The Forgotten Man

Why the Middle Class Is Being Destroyed

The emergence of a cognitive elite, and, for the first time in history, the almost total convergence of intellectuals with the financial elite explains the coming extinction of the middle class.

Fiat Dollars to Finance Feudalism 

The reason this money is being spent is to cram Americans down to a lifestyle that is “sustainable,” while at the same time transferring even more wealth and power into the hands of a new oligarchy.

What is the Goal?

Are today’s Progressives just individualists of the groin, as too many conservatives are simply individualists of the wallet?

The Wages of Orthodoxy

If the “realignment” of the Right is to be anything more than a slogan, there are many sacred cows of the conservative economic consensus left to slaughter.

The Beggaring of the Middle Class

The question for every policymaker should be how to restart a new period of national vitality. Narrowly focused gains in information technology won’t do it—neither will fiscal stimulus.