Trump White House

Trust No One, Especially Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff has been in government his entire life. The ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has worked as a prosecutor, […]

Cheatin’ Hillary’s Crooked Enablers

You don’t need to master some secret art of literary exegesis to see that the terse four-page Nunes memo—released Friday, despite unprecedented establishment apoplexy over […]

“Semper Petulant”

A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.—Proverbs 14:6 The congressional Democrats’ group sulk during the 2018 […]

Johnson Widens his Probe

For most of last week, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security committee, was mocked for talking to the press about a […]

Night of the Living Dead

Looking at the Democrats Tuesday night I thought of zombies. No living man or woman could have sat motionless through words to which no living, […]

Trump Restores the ‘We’

In The Meaning of Conservatism and several other books, the English philosopher Roger Scruton argues for the importance of the first-person plural—the “We” that binds […]

Three 2018 SOTU Drinking Games

It’s a national tradition almost as venerable as  televised State of the Union addresses themselves, to honor the occasion with drinking games. Generally a charming […]

ICE Troubles With Terrorism

An audit by the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General found that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is facing a variety of challenges, particularly with […]