Why the Media Couldn’t Care Less About Khashoggi
People die. Every day. It’s our lot. Some deaths attract more attention than others. Sometimes for good reasons. Sometimes for nefarious and dishonest ones. The […]
People die. Every day. It’s our lot. Some deaths attract more attention than others. Sometimes for good reasons. Sometimes for nefarious and dishonest ones. The […]
As we come down the homestretch for the 2018 midterms, people are looking at congressional generic ballots and debating whether or not the Democrats will […]
Facebook is a menace to grassroots political organizing—and to free and fair elections generally. The social media giant this week announced it would ban “misinformation” […]
Understandably, Republicans are distraught when they hear the mainstream media endlessly repeat the mantra that the November midterms bode well for an historic “blue wave.” […]
The Democratic Party is a group of tricksters. Consider this: the party of Jim Crow managed to recast themselves as the paragon of racial equality […]
With the dust finally settling after the nasty, protracted fight to forestall Judge Brett Kavanaugh from becoming Justice Kavanaugh, Democrats now see they have made […]
Hillary Clinton, the most vengeful, spiteful loser in the history of American electoral politics, has abandoned the Left’s always deceptive, now evanescent call for “civility.” […]
When I was in graduate school, I learned a lot about the Left. One lesson was that while most liberals and conservatives abide by society’s […]
Americans keep dividing into two hostile camps. It seems the country is back to 1860 on the eve of the Civil War, rather than in […]
After reviewing last week’s news coverage, I would encourage President Trump to come up with a more accurate taunt than “fake news.” Maybe “garbage news.” […]
With Hurricane Florence churning over the Carolinas, the media seems to be licking its lips in anticipation of President Trump’s “Katrina moment.” Trump isn’t playing […]
Heralding the rise of the daily newspaper in 1831, French poet and politician Alphonse de Lamartine declared journalism would emerge as “the whole of human […]
Exhausted. Exhilarated. Thankful. And ready to get back to work. Those are some of my feelings after watching President Kobach take the oath of office […]
One of the more satisfying sideshows of the Trump era has been the media falling on its face as it spins poorly-sourced—even fabricated—conspiracy tales about […]
The tax reform and regulatory policies of President Trump and the Republican Congress can claim much credit for facilitating the green wave of economic growth […]
Michael Wolff and his media-hyped blockbuster—that supposedly game-changing landmark of a book Fire and Fury—are now ancient history. Fading similarly is Karen McDougal, Playboy‘s 1998 […]
Like Rock-n-Roll, this British invasion was sparked by Americans; adopted by the English; and imported back to our fair, unsuspecting shores. Now, comes the madness… […]
The ancient war between the press and the president Tribune Content Agency — August 8, 2018 By Victor Davis Hanson, Tribune Content Agency The media […]
Sarah Jeong, newly hired member of the New York Times’s editorial board, hates white people. And Christians. And police officers. And heterosexuals. And men. May […]
Recently, Politico reporter Marc Caputo was angered at rude hecklers at a Trump rally who booed beleaguered CNN correspondent Jim Acosta. So Caputo tweeted of them, […]