The Invaders and Their Allies
There is a war on for hearts and minds of Americans, and it began long before the first shots were fired on Sunday along the […]
There is a war on for hearts and minds of Americans, and it began long before the first shots were fired on Sunday along the […]
Predictably, Donald Trump was attacked both by the establishment and the media as “crude,” “unpresidential,” and “gratuitous” for a recent series of blunt and graphic […]
Almost 20 years ago, I was at a club dancing with a girl I didn’t know. She was performing a kind of dance popular at […]
No, President Macron: nationalism isn’t treason—it’s necessary to a free and thriving nation. Americans who are serious about their freedom should be ecstatic that the […]
Jamal Khashoggi was a thoroughly charming and charismatic person. In March 2012, I took the last available seat at a luncheon table at the 20th […]
This has been a particularly violent year for Republicans across the country. Candidates were assaulted and Republican campaign offices were vandalized. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz […]
In the post-election aftermath, Republicans are wondering about how they can capture that missing 2-5 percent of the electorate that lost them the House of […]
The latest theatrics involving Jim Acosta, the left-wing political activist posing as a CNN reporter, perfectly illustrate the reasons why ordinary Americans despise the Beltway […]
The Weekly Standard published a gusher last week on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Fred Barnes, the magazine’s executive editor, fell all over himself […]
Conservatives are rightly shocked and dismayed by two recent decisions by Fox News, an allegedly Republican-friendly organization. First, Fox decided to ban President Trump’s anti-illegal […]
No sooner did swarms of foreigners from Latin America arrive at San Diego-area ports of entry than reports came in they were scaling border fences. […]
How dare Donald Trump call the media “the enemy of the people”! Doesn’t he know that journalists perform an indispensable role in protecting Our Democracy? […]
Why do Americans entertain the press as safekeepers of democracy? We are not a democracy, nor is such deep trust in the press warranted by […]
A statement posted on social media by Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooter shows what he shares in common with 99 percent of the members […]
The world is divided into two classes of people: those who think that CNN’s Jim Acosta is “rude” and a “terrible person” and Jim Acosta. […]
It may be unwise or monotonous for President Trump to harp on CNN as a purveyor of “fake news.” And the constant refrain “enemy of […]
On June 14, 2017, James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer during the presidential primaries, opened fire on a Republican congressional baseball practice in northern […]
What follows is a counterintelligence man’s examination of the anomalies in the saga of the bombs mailed to Democratic Party officials and other leftists. During […]
Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin—contact with the skin can be deadly—was sent to President Trump, Republican […]
As the media continues its precipitous decline in public approval and credibility, one small bastion still retains a semi-sacred status: Fact-checkers. Even more than “journalists” […]