The Media

Into a Mating Net with the Fourth Estate

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] In chess, when one player is put by the […]

Mueller Had No Power to Exonerate, Only to Accuse

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] Mitt Romney, the former candidate for president who struggled […]

Can Trump Win Again in 2020?

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] In 2016, Donald Trump overwhelmed 16 qualified Republican primary […]

The Only Option They Had as Pseudo-Conservatives

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] It’s been a tough two years if you’re a […]

Take It Easy, Ann, and Train Your Fire Elsewhere

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] You know we like you, Ann. We’ve liked you […]

Media Gorges Itself on Hatred While Ignoring Atrocities

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] On a day in March, more than 40 members […]

Tucker Carlson and the Apology Factory

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] Fans of TV’s “Seinfeld” will recall an episode titled “The Apology,” in which George Costanza nearly loses […]

For Democrats, Fairness Is the Problem

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] When Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez last week […]

The Washington Post Snuggles with a Racist Security Blanket

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] [fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] Over the last three evenings, Americans watched Tucker Carlson […]

Tucker Carlson Must Not Be Silenced

[fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_ rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_ ] Let’s be completely clear here. Nobody—least of all the leftwing mobs attacking Tucker Carlson right now—cares what […]

The Sun Also Pounces

Like an ex-journalist and current lush from Pamplona who thinks no one knows he’s loaded because he guzzles vodka—we’ll call him Ernie—the legacy media is […]