Free Speech

How Do We Say the Things We Cannot Say?

Society becomes polarized and impoverished when obvious truths are denied. To address the ensuing malaise, government expands. When government expands, government unions flourish. And there […]

The Hardening of Leftist Contempt

Last week, as former National Review writer Kevin D. Williamson was defenestrated abruptly from his brand-new post as token “conservative” columnist for the Atlantic over […]

Why Kevin Williamson Matters

Any rational person’s list of the most intelligent and pungent columnists now writing will perforce include the name Kevin Williamson, late of National Review and, […]

Trump Is Right to Fear Amazon

President Trump’s feud with the shopping giant Amazon is both welcome and overdue. Welcome, because Amazon’s ambitions extend well beyond the monopoly power that Trump […]

Fahrenheit 451 Updated

What took them so long? That was our first question when we heard the latest news about the distinguished University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy […]

Stone Age Thinking

Reason is a fragile thing. Like a tiny, dainty woodland sprite, it can be stomped into a crushed, broken ruin by the mighty foot of […]