Help Me Randa! Firing Back at Fresno State’s Femme Fatale
Comedian Jay Mohr has called for California State University-Fresno’s Bush-bashing English professor, Randa Jarrar, to be fired. But, as Fresno State’s Bruce Thornton notes, dismissal […]
Comedian Jay Mohr has called for California State University-Fresno’s Bush-bashing English professor, Randa Jarrar, to be fired. But, as Fresno State’s Bruce Thornton notes, dismissal […]
Kevin Williamson’s primal whine of a weekend essay in the Wall Street Journal reported that he was fired by the Atlantic magazine after serving an […]
Every mass delusion has a beginning. One day in the Middle Ages, a French nun began meowing. Other nuns soon joined in. Soon, all the […]
The New York Times just won a Pulitzer Prize for “public service.” I’ve never met this “public” to whom the New York Times has provided […]
Society becomes polarized and impoverished when obvious truths are denied. To address the ensuing malaise, government expands. When government expands, government unions flourish. And there […]
The most terrifying thing about Mark Zuckerberg’s appearance on Tuesday before a special joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees wasn’t anything he […]
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg this week faced questions from powerful committees in both houses of Congress on the subject of how the social […]
As a foreigner living in the United Kingdom, the first thought that occurred to me watching “The Death of Stalin” last month was how bleak and […]
Last week, as former National Review writer Kevin D. Williamson was defenestrated abruptly from his brand-new post as token “conservative” columnist for the Atlantic over […]
When two California progressives write a sophomoric think piece about how to dispense with the country’s ruling political party, most sensible people don’t take it […]
The only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism—not liberalism—is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the Left touches it […]
His hoodied silhouette emerges from a cloud of white vapor with a few lackadaisical and interspersed smoke rings. With a copy of Atlas Shrugged in […]
Any rational person’s list of the most intelligent and pungent columnists now writing will perforce include the name Kevin Williamson, late of National Review and, […]
Before I get into the firing of Kevin Williamson, let me say this: Williamson is a talented, unique, and compelling writer. I have complimented his […]
President Trump’s feud with the shopping giant Amazon is both welcome and overdue. Welcome, because Amazon’s ambitions extend well beyond the monopoly power that Trump […]
Today our media thrives on drama and spectacle. The more “tragic” or “comedic” the event, the better. When great tragedy or comedy can serve an […]
What took them so long? That was our first question when we heard the latest news about the distinguished University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy […]
Reason is a fragile thing. Like a tiny, dainty woodland sprite, it can be stomped into a crushed, broken ruin by the mighty foot of […]
Four pillars of the American Left together explain its stranglehold on our culture: the Democratic Party, academia, the media, and Hollywood. The Democrats are a […]
Impassioned protests following the mass shooting at a Florida high school culminated over the weekend with marches on Washington, D.C., and other cities. To properly evaluate […]