Free Speech

Normal Makes a Comeback

Trump supporters who work in intellectual zones have to laugh at the latest efforts to discredit the president because he is allegedly “not normal.” It […]

Our Imploding Press

If democracy in the United States is imperiled, as some say it is, then the pregnant question remains: Imperiled by whom? For the Left, Democrats, […]

Hearing Evil Out

William F. Buckley once famously quipped of Robert F. Kennedy’s continued refusal to come on Firing Line, “Why does bologna reject the grinder?” Today, the […]

Cake, Conscience, and Kangaroo Courts

The Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission was no jurisprudential masterpiece, but its messy eating marks an important point […]

Bullies in the White House Press Corps

Of all the post-2016 credibility casualties—the Clintons, the FBI, Hollywood, professional athletes, late-night comedians—the American news media is the most bloodied. After fluffing Barack Obama […]

Roseanne Got the Shaft

The worst thing about the whole Roseanne Barr Twitter fiasco? It has provided the perennially pouting crew at CNN with fresh material over which to […]