Politics, the Arts, and ‘The Fiery Angel’
In my new book, The Fiery Angel, out this week from Encounter Books, I make the following contention: that the arts have more to teach us about […]
In my new book, The Fiery Angel, out this week from Encounter Books, I make the following contention: that the arts have more to teach us about […]
Perhaps because his recent death was on my mind already, the verbal fireworks that erupted like Mt. Kilauea lava bombs last week between deep state […]
Editor’s note: This essay appears in the Spring 2018 issue of the Claremont Review of Books. Reprinted by kind permission of the Claremont Institute. In 1993 the president of […]
The fumbling and waffling in the American and international media on three urgent contemporary issues: North Korea, Iran, and Palestine, reveal the dangers of the […]
There has been a lot of misinformation about both getting out of the so-called Iran deal and getting into a new North Korean agreement. The […]
If you want to understand the moral sickness at the heart of leftism, read the first paragraph of the most recent column by Washington Post […]
The United States is not a democracy. This discovery runs against the grain of all the liberal, middlebrow pabulum imparted from grade school teachers, as […]
Mainstream views of European politics very rarely look past the Franco-German motor. President Trump’s verdict on the European Union as “basically a vehicle for Germany” […]
Have you read Richard Fernandez’s interesting article on President Trump’s decision to withdraw America from the Obama nuclear deal? It is worthy of close reading. […]
The Bicentennial of Karl Marx’s birth (May 5, 1818) has come and gone without much fanfare, except in the People’s Republic of China. It’s not […]
A passage from a landmark American novel shows why attempts to appease Israel’s enemies have always failed and always will fail. Thomas Berger’s Little Big […]
The Iran deal has been killed. With it, Iran’s grand designs for regional hegemony are badly wounded. President Trump’s decision last week to withdraw from […]
Trump is mostly hitting the mark as president, because his lodestar appears to be reversing every single thing undertaken by Barack Obama. Since the Obama […]
In the wee hours of the morning, a miracle occurred. The Stormy Daniels coverage dissipated, at least for a few moments, as President Trump welcomed […]
Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from Barack Obama’s fantasy “Iran deal” brings a much-needed dose of realpolitik to a fossilized Washington foreign-policy establishment that has […]
There is more knowledge available today than ever before in history. But few would argue people are wiser than ever before. On the contrary, many […]
With the Syrian Civil war now in its seventh year—thanks to the confluence of ongoing bloodshed, sectarian tension, and foreign intervention—we now have one of […]
\ While the Left continues to lose its mind over Russia and the fairytale of collusion, the fact is Russia simply is not a real threat […]
With the implementation of President Trump’s tariffs last month, China is all the talk in the world of trade. The tariffs in question place $50 […]
During his first 15 months as president, Donald Trump has postured as the bad cop. He railed about NATO members welching on their promised contributions […]