NATO Now Serves the Interests of the Transatlantic Ruling Class
If we’re to believe the recent NATO summit’s communique and the mainstream media’s commentaries about it, the alliance serves roughly the same essential purpose today […]
If we’re to believe the recent NATO summit’s communique and the mainstream media’s commentaries about it, the alliance serves roughly the same essential purpose today […]
Did you hear about how Facebook censored a passage from the Declaration of Independence as “hate speech”? The Vindicator, a small daily newspaper in Liberty, […]
The Russian Federation controls one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. In fact, Russia’s nonstrategic nuclear weapons arsenal is likely larger and more […]
As Muslims observed the month of Ramadan this year, more city halls were full partners in hosting and promoting religious Iftar dinners. This year Philadelphia […]
Liberals see Donald Trump as the embodiment of toxic masculinity. Trump’s voters see a real man. My husband jokes that in our family, if anything […]
Whenever neoconservatives speak about the bounties that endless wars of “liberation” will provide, I am reminded of a Jonah Goldberg column from 2002, expounding upon […]
Communist China is one of the gravest threats this country has ever faced, in large part because many members of the American establishment see China […]
Scientists are so smart these days they can tell how someone voted in the 2016 Brexit referendum by asking how they like their steak prepared. […]
The supposed autocrat, President Donald J. Trump, relentlessly has followed the law in seeking to gain approval for his executive order placing a temporary travel […]
The enduring triumph of liberalism was not the civil rights movement, women’s liberation, open borders, or even Obergefell v. Hodges. Something more fundamental happened long […]
Germans like to apologize. During a brief trip to Munich last year, tensions between locals and newly arrived migrants often flared into fizzing commotions of […]
At the recent G7 summit, President Trump differed with the leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Canada on a host of issues. But the real […]
Most commentary on the Trump/Kim summit is evidence of partisan stampede thinking. Herewith are the insights of an old professor of international affairs, who does […]
William F. Buckley once famously quipped of Robert F. Kennedy’s continued refusal to come on Firing Line, “Why does bologna reject the grinder?” Today, the […]
Last summer, I had just arrived in Germany and was settling in at my family’s home when news of a yet another Muslim attack flashed […]
President Trump this week will bust 68 years of diplomatic white paper inertia and meet the leader of a nation with which America has been […]
Over the last century, the world has witnessed the slow but steady depoliticization of America and Western Europe in favor of the rule of the […]
AVIGNON, France—The Rhone River Valley in southern France is a storybook marriage of high technology, traditional vineyards, and ancestral villages. High-speed trains and well-designed toll […]
The Wall Street Journal reports that the White House is working toward a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump. In the […]
After a political saga an Italian newspaper compared to a “Monty Python” sketch, Italian populists have cobbled together a government the Financial Times likens to […]