Holding Turkey Accountable
The increasingly autocratic government of Turkey has lost its mind. Or, at least, it has returned to its historical form. Under Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip […]
The increasingly autocratic government of Turkey has lost its mind. Or, at least, it has returned to its historical form. Under Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip […]
After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, Great Britain pursued a grand strategy of primacy, based on the concept of what Robert Gilpin has called […]
The release yesterday of a state grand jury report on the widespread sexual abuse of minors by priests in six Pennsylvania dioceses only serves to […]
Don’t miss the significance of the Sarah Jeong affair. In this story freedom of speech, double standards, and the question of whether someone should be […]
In recent weeks, two seminal events have occurred that make war with Iran more likely. First, Iran (currently struggling with growing domestic unrest because of […]
Liberals keen to wake up from what they regard as a prelapsarian nightmare in which fascists have stormed the White House, and “The Handmaid’s Tale” […]
Donald Trump recently ignited yet another firestorm by hedging when asked whether protecting the newest NATO member, tiny Montenegro, might be worth risking a war. […]
America has been in the grips of Russia hysteria for over two years now, and it hitting a fever pitch this past week following President […]
President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin was a profile in courage against an onslaught of media pressure that would have made a typical glad-handing huckster […]
Three decades of rocky Russo-American relations have been the result, mainly, of a lack of planning on the part of Washington. As the West—specifically, the […]
It’s been a week filled with manufactured hysteria. After his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Trump was accused of denying American […]
President Trump took a risk by meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. My friend and sometimes colleague, Angelo Codevilla, with whom […]
Isn’t it clear that President Trump really enjoys upsetting the people who claim to report the news? I imagine him occasionally tuning in to CNN […]
The response to the Helsinki meeting has been so extreme on all sides that questions about the maturity, stability, and intelligence of the entire American […]
Watching the political class melt down on Twitter and in the media in the wake of President Trump’s Monday press conference with Vladimir Putin, I […]
During the recent NATO summit meeting, a rumbustious Donald Trump tore off a thin scab of niceties to reveal a deep and old NATO wound—one […]
Nations require intelligence to see their way through the dark alleys of international relations. For that reason, and above all in the modern era, they […]
When the cant and emotionalism subside, the Helsinki summit will go down in history as a turning point in this American president’s struggle to disembowel […]
When Presidents Trump and Vladimir Putin ended their joint press conference in Helsinki, the punditocracy predictably swarmed all over it like ants around a pile […]
As President Trump sits down for his first one on one meeting with President Vladimir Putin of Russia, some history and perspective are in order. […]