Good Riddance, Syrian Civil War!
The media and the political establishment’s excoriation of President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from the battlefield of eastern Syria has […]
The media and the political establishment’s excoriation of President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from the battlefield of eastern Syria has […]
America’s domestic debates over immigration, and Democrats’ hysteria over Trump’s tweets, obfuscates the larger crisis unfolding in the West. Trump’s traditional nationalism is pitted against […]
World War II history is rich with some of the finest, most historically significant speeches of the 20th century. President Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech […]
Whether pulling the remaining U.S. troops from Syria turns out to be a bold and beneficial move or a stupid, harmful one depends on what […]
No sooner was President Trump derided for “brightening” upon Vladimir Putin’s arrival at the Armistice Day centenary last month than he canceled his planned meeting […]
Against what or whom is the contemporary Western public pushing back? The French non-Parisians against new green taxes on already unaffordable gasoline? Broke southern European […]
For the past two years we have seen the emergence of a coherent Trump doctrine in both words and deeds. align=”right” Weekend Long ReadThere is […]
Last week, we discussed the national security threat to the United States and her siblings in the family of free nations that is posed by […]
On the centenary of his birth, we see that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was right, not once but twice. In appearance he was more akin to an […]
French President Emmanuel Macron’s concessions to Paris protestors signaled the first surrender of the West’s internationalist establishment to populist demands. Macron’s concessions are all the […]
Vladimir Putin, a man who styles himself a Russian nationalist and neo-imperialist, famously lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical disaster […]
In a speech commemorating the centenary of World War I, French President Emmanuel Macron recently condemned nationalism as “the opposite of patriotism,” which most everyone […]
As the Marxist parade of “Critical Theory” proceeds ever forward, it was only a matter of time before the Frankfurt School and its legions of […]
There are many reasons I pity today’s younger generation of Americans. Among them are: The unconscionable debt we are leaving them. The obliteration of male […]
There is an old joke that if you look up French military victories on Google, it says nothing can be found, and asks “Did you […]
The French say many silly things, along with a few wise ones, although since the deaths of Voltaire, Descartes, and la Rochefoucauld, not lately. One […]
If logical argument is the Right’s “Maginot Line,” a defense against attacks from other directions entirely; if winning rational argument doesn’t actually help much in […]
Many conservatives did not see that Trump had framed the 2016 election as a choice between two mutually exclusive regimes: multiculturalism and America. What I […]
Freedom of speech is under attack both in the United States and in Europe. Naturally, language—the basis of speech—is bound to change organically over time, […]
In Europe, calling the prophet Muhammad a “pedophile” is not protected speech, at least according to the European Court of Human Rights, the continent’s highest […]