Books & Culture

Bob Saget’s Comedy Will Be Missed

In a time when many entertainers are being canceled and replaced by humorless, talentless individuals who check off all the correct woke Left boxes, all Saget wanted to do was make people laugh. 

The Sad Eyes of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe’s ineffable beauty transcends sultriness because her interiority, known only to herself, supersedes the triteness of sexual objectification.

Nothing to See

“Don’t Look Up” gets lost in its own irony, and its creator Adam McKay as well as the actors are revealed to be part of the elitism that the film is attempting to criticize. 

Be Not Afraid! 

Man must existentially free himself from the clutches of oppressive systems, and choose love and responsibility, even (and especially!) in dark times.

Kid Dynamite!

“Don’t Tell Me How to Live” is a hillbilly elegy deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize.