American Conservatism

Judge, Lest Ye Be Judged!

Evangelicals and Christians are now under intense public pressure to condemn one particular adulterer.  Weirdly, this pressure comes from many of the same people who […]

Man of Steel

If the American Dream was flat-lining, the Trump administration may be acting as a defibrillator. Against furious opposition from within and without, President Trump is […]

The Shape of Virtue

At the outset of this year’s Academy Awards, Jimmy Kimmel joked that he’d give the person with the shortest speech a jet ski. I really […]

Into the NeverTrump Gulag

Deep in the D.C. Suburbs—After a frightening New York Times column by Bret Stephens comparing Trump supporters to Stalinists and NeverTrump “conservatives” to anti-Communist freedom-fighters, […]