Suicide of the Conservative Movement
Jonah Goldberg appeared recently on “Conversations with Bill Kristol” to discuss his new book, Suicide of the West. During his chat with one of the […]
Jonah Goldberg appeared recently on “Conversations with Bill Kristol” to discuss his new book, Suicide of the West. During his chat with one of the […]
The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the Left. This is a result of the fact that the […]
Here is a trivia question that no one will get right in the coming years: Name a Republican candidate for president in 2016 who attracted […]
A Supreme Court decision on immigration that was not expected to be controversial instead attracted wide attention upon its release last week. The reason: Justice Neil […]
This weekend, Kevin Williamson finally offered his side of the story in his predictable firing by the Atlantic in the Wall Street Journal. In his […]
Kevin Williamson’s primal whine of a weekend essay in the Wall Street Journal reported that he was fired by the Atlantic magazine after serving an […]
This week, I’m in Washington, D.C. giving a series of lectures and seminars at the Institute of World Politics, a small postgraduate school that specializes […]
As President Trump continues to remake the Republican Party in his image, calls for last rites to be given to American conservatism are not just […]
Michael Anton was a senior contributing editor of American Greatness from July 2016 until January 2017 when he became deputy assistant to the president for […]
The New York Times in an article reporting on President Trump’s efforts to dismantle the regulatory state, hit upon a divergence of thought on the […]
Whoever was surprised by the hate-fest against the National Rifle Association and conservative Americans in general that followed the Parkland, Florida school shooting must not […]
In 2016, Wisconsin turned red for Donald Trump but Paul Ryan’s Janesville remained stubbornly blue—so perhaps it is no surprise that the speaker of the […]
As a foreigner living in the United Kingdom, the first thought that occurred to me watching “The Death of Stalin” last month was how bleak and […]
Last week, as former National Review writer Kevin D. Williamson was defenestrated abruptly from his brand-new post as token “conservative” columnist for the Atlantic over […]
He might have a 5 a.m. lift with his team in a few hours, but that won’t stop him from playing another round of beer […]
When two California progressives write a sophomoric think piece about how to dispense with the country’s ruling political party, most sensible people don’t take it […]
Not being willing any longer to be manipulated is not succumbing to isolationism. Wondering whether the United States can afford another liability is not mindless […]
His hoodied silhouette emerges from a cloud of white vapor with a few lackadaisical and interspersed smoke rings. With a copy of Atlas Shrugged in […]
Before I get into the firing of Kevin Williamson, let me say this: Williamson is a talented, unique, and compelling writer. I have complimented his […]
Colleges are hostile environments for young Americans on the rightward end of the political spectrum. Like any living being in a hostile environment, these students […]