Bill Kristol, Hedgehog King
Remember when Bill Kristol said the Iraq War would last two months? It (officially) lasted nine years and cost Americans more than $2 trillion—and we’re […]
Remember when Bill Kristol said the Iraq War would last two months? It (officially) lasted nine years and cost Americans more than $2 trillion—and we’re […]
Barack Obama really owes Bill Kristol—big time. First, had Kristol and his fellow neoconservatives not pushed for a deadly, prolonged war in Iraq after September […]
And the “debate” rages on. Mostly in nitpicky and unproductive directions. But a new attack by Robert Tracinski raises the grave and misunderstood question of the social […]
The conformist nature and indiscriminate animus exhibited by the hive mentality of the anti-Trump brotherhood is a marvel to behold. Future students of abnormal psychology […]
When a major political figure actively undermines her own base and somehow gets applauded for it, it is difficult to imagine a more absurd spectacle. […]
President Trump’s Helsinki press conference set off a global firestorm. The president quickly backtracked on some of his comments and now the Kremlin is demurring […]
Every day of the week, marriage counselors work with unhappy couples whose relationships have been soured by unresolved grievances. In such cases, the counselor’s job […]
David Brooks’ insightful account of “a self-consciously built” “conservative legal infrastructure” behind Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination raises more fundamental questions about the Court and contemporary […]
It’s almost as if the Democrats cultured their newest and shiniest pet in a petri dish. Person of color? Check. Not male, pale, or stale? […]
Michael Gerson, President George W. Bush’s head speechwriter, paid me the ultimate writer’s compliment last week: he attacked me in print. I count Michael as […]
Famous last words, NeverTrumpers. With the retirement of Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy—the Reagan Administration’s third choice to fill the empty seat of Associate Justice Lewis […]
Conservatives who’ve tried to make it in academia and other cultural circles have heard this many times: “You don’t really belong here.” It doesn’t matter […]
What a fascinating and momentous time we live in—a time that may well be remembered as an awakening of our great nation. President Trump, the […]
At least since the appearance of my book, Rules for Radical Conservatives—originally written under the name and in the voice of my radical leftist character […]
The American war began in April of 1775. “By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the […]
Whenever neoconservatives speak about the bounties that endless wars of “liberation” will provide, I am reminded of a Jonah Goldberg column from 2002, expounding upon […]
I have to admit, I get most of my news and opinion from within the #MAGA bubble. From where I sit, given the healthy economy, […]
Since the Earl Warren era, the Supreme Court has assumed enormous power over our politics, and this has become a significant obstacle to the constitutional […]
For the longest time, NeverTrump “conservatives” have insisted that the only good thing Donald Trump has done as president is to appoint Neil Gorsuch to […]
The Feiler Faster Thesis posits that the pace of social change is accelerated by the increasing rapidity of the technology used by journalists to report […]