Billy Graham’s Legacy: Christianity Making a Global Comeback
On Wednesday, the world lost a man who arguably has had a greater, larger, and more positive impact on mankind in the last century than […]
On Wednesday, the world lost a man who arguably has had a greater, larger, and more positive impact on mankind in the last century than […]
It requires a special degree of mendacity to compare Robert Mueller’s recent indictments to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Only someone desperate to get attention, […]
Samantha Vinograd, a former senior national security advisor under President Obama, intoned Monday on CNN that in light of the previous week’s indictment of 13 […]
With all the concern over the effect of Russian propaganda on American voters, it might be helpful now to recall that Russia isn’t the only […]
Adapt or die. Such, I would argue, was the ultimatum faced by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) after last year. As I explained in […]
Last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school reminds us yet again that to live well—to live free—requires men with chests. That is a […]
The U.S. Army on Tuesday announced it would award the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Medal of Heroism to the three high school cadets […]
And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. —Mark 3:25 (King James Version) In the wake of the horrific shootings in […]
On January 29, the Senate defeated a bill that would have outlawed abortion beyond 20 weeks (five months) gestation. Reaction was swift on the part […]
The media have been on a walk-of-shame bender since 2016. They were whored out by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, swallowed the Christopher Steele dossier, and […]
Last week, Congress tried—and failed—to act on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The Senate failed to reach the necessary 60 votes on […]
Looking back at the past year, the Year of Living Trumpantly, it’s clear to fair-minded individuals—that excludes the media and every other Democrat—that the Trump […]
When we think about “Making America Great Again,” surely one such feature that would contribute to it would be the end of nihilistic crimes, such […]
As a history professor and long-time instructor in “Western Civilization” classes, I was dumbfounded by recent leftist attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions, at […]
I’m a father of four children who all attend public school. My love for them and their value to me and to society are immeasurable. […]
After the most recent and disappointing budget deal, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) asked his fellow Republicans on Twitter: “Are we to be conservative all the […]
Columnist for National Review Andrew McCarthy spoke with Chris Buskirk and Seth Leibsohn about unpeeling all the layers of the ongoing story of the level […]
On February 7th, the Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, the epitome of a San Francisco liberal, treated America to an 8-hour […]
Given our polarized political environment, it is a mystery how we will solve the federal budget mess. In such situations, one could do worse than […]
Contrary to what many sheltered millennials seem to think, bigotry and prejudice were not simply given a free pass in the bad old days of […]