Administrative State

I’ve Got a Plan for That!

History is littered with the calamities created by those in possession of little knowledge but tremendous certainty. As the political season heats up it seems […]

Russian Hack or CrowdStrike Ruse?

Robert Mueller may live to regret indicting Roger Stone. Stone is the long-time Republican political operative who made headlines in January when he was hauled […]

A Conservative Resistance?

Leftists in America treat conservative voters, elected officials, and policies as illegitimate. Should conservative Americans return the favor? Could they? Few outside the corporate leftist […]

John Dean: Still a Crook

There is something retrogressively fetid in the odor wafting from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerold Nadler’s (D-N.Y.) show trial on Monday. In it, he called […]

The Climate Case of the Century

Twelve years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Massachusetts v. EPAthat greenhouse gases are air pollutants covered by the Clean Air Act. The decision […]

The Virtues of Patriotism

The elections to the European Parliament underway now through Sunday present a major war of ideas between the “Europe of Nations” and the “Europe of […]