Bezos’ wants to own you, control you, and to do so vertically—that is his strategy: vertical integration of our entire supply chain and our complete life cycle.
The European Union and Davos-style globalism is saturating the globe on all continents. It pretends to make the world a better place. It does no such thing.
Vulture capitalism is a deviant and baseless form of capitalism, totally without virtue. In this fictional account of a debate between George Soros and the author, we see why.
The distinction between the failure of Jack Cade’s rebellion and the success of the American Revolution is before our very eyes and a lesson for the battle we face today.
CNN left its roots, stopped being the news agency with international reach it set out to be, and morphed into an increasingly maniacal, 24/7 left-wing diatribe.
China continues to tighten rules on religious freedom, intensifying punishments for unsanctioned activities and increasing its supervision of certain groups in a bid to “block extremism.”
Since Donald Trump’s political renewal is already underway, it makes sense to think about who is against him and who is on his team now—and to get ready for the coming revenge.