The Left’s Next Play Will Be To Cancel the Courts By Scot S. Grant — September 29, 2020 In legal terms, we are seeing a growing nullification movement on the Left.
Barrett Did Not Affirm the Illinois Lockdown Order By Scot S. Grant — September 25, 2020 What she actually did was to prioritize religious liberty.
Getting the Politics Wrong on Supreme Court Nominees By Scot S. Grant — September 24, 2020 The nominee on the president’s shortlist who is the easiest to confirm to this particular vacancy is by definition the wrong nominee, and the GOP consultant class knows that.
Conservatism, Inc. Informs Us That Opposition to Lagoa Is Racist By Scot S. Grant — September 22, 2020 With instructions like this, one can be forgiven for doubting that institutional conservatism wants to win.