CNN Blues

The people who ruined CNN are laughing at the guy who tried to clean up their mess.

A Beantown Letdown

Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins is the latest domino to fall in the struggling progressive “Protect the Shield” agenda. 

Chickenhawk Down

Why a coherent anti-war movement has not formed to oppose U.S. involvement in the increasingly unpopular war in Ukraine.

Bubble, Panic, Recover, and Repeat

An interview with Jonathan Barth, professor of history at Arizona State University, on the history of money and currencies and how to prepare for the worst.

It’s OK When We Do It

A short question, excuse, and answer guide to the Penn Biden Center classified documents controversy, from the same folks who brought you MoveOn.org and “Nothing to see here!”

The Real Biden Unsealed?

The House GOP aims to publicize Joe Biden’s Senate records at the University of Delaware and his records as vice president from the National Archives.

This Fudd’s a Dud

Democrat Tim Ryan tried every trick in the book to win Ohio’s open Senate seat, including a ridiculous ad about the Second Amendment. 

Cloak-and-Ballot Stuff

A new “bipartisan” organization of national security apparatus alumni is backing Democrat candidates ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. 

Will USA Today have a tomorrow?

It was once the newspaper marketed to the average American reader. Now the weakness of the economy and the print news sector threatens its parent company, sister publications, and many of its rivals.

Josh Shapiro’s Keystone Flops

Pennsylvania’s A.G.’s botched prosecution of prison guards was meant to signal that no one is above the law, but instead showed that he could ruin lives without worrying about the burden of proof.