Rules for Right-Wingers on Facebook
Are the left-leaning engineers at California based social media giants plotting to censor right-leaning people? Perhaps. Are right-leaning people on Facebook being targeted or silenced? […]
Mental Health or Nihilism?
On January 29, the Senate defeated a bill that would have outlawed abortion beyond 20 weeks (five months) gestation. Reaction was swift on the part […]
Jim Brown’s Lesson for the NFL
About five years ago, Rush Limbaugh predicted the end of the National Football League. Drawing on the rash of stories about professional football players prone […]
True Tolerance is Beyond Bernie Sanders and Today’s Democrats
When you hear the words “tolerance” and “diversity,” what comes to mind? If you’re a casual observer of politics and culture, you react positively and […]
Michelle Obama’s Crap Sandwich
Why was Michelle Obama so angry at Donald Trump last week? Her dander is up for the same reason her husband’s is—Trump is systematically chipping […]
Hillary’s Self-Sabotaged Destiny
Hillary Clinton is going to publish a book. It will consist of essays based on quotes that she has used to inspire her, refresh her, […]
Sorry, Feminists—the Patriarchy Wins Again
Pity the poor feminist. Yes, really! Her movement has been in the vanguard of Democrat party politics for close to two generations. She has tried […]
A Day Without a White Woman’s Guilt
On Wednesday, March 8 the same group of grievance grifters who brought us the infamous Pussyhat/Women’s March will be bringing us “A Day Without a […]
Media Still Don’t Understand How Trump Plays Them
Did Donald Trump and his media savvy staff purposely set up CNN and the rest of the adversarial White House press corps during this week’s […]
One Mother’s Journey from Abortion Absolutism to Life
My journey from a pro-abortion college student to a pro-life young mother was slow in coming. I didn’t have a eureka moment but instead had […]
Deplorable NFL Can Find No Love in Hollywood
Poor Roger Goodell. After watching the final NFL wild card game of the weekend, the league honcho had reason to feel pretty upbeat as he […]
Would Facebook Even Be Possible Today? Not at Extremely P.C. Harvard
If Mark Zuckerberg were a Harvard student today, developing his Facemash website (the prototype and precursor of Facebook), not only would he not have succeeded, […]
Looking for a Save in Extra Innings
Over at Ace of Spades on Wednesday I was reminded of this great scene from Field of Dreams: And they’ll walk off to the bleachers […]