If Speech is Violent, What Next?

In the aftermath of the infamous Battle for Berkeley, the subsequent debacle surrounding Ann Coulter’s invitation to the University of California’s flagship campus, not to […]

CPAC 2017: An Autopsy

Author’s note: I have prepared this piece in accordance with the factual standards used by CNN and Buzzfeed. Any “fake news” is thus immune from […]

#Pissgate: A Primer

#Pissgate: A Primer CIA: Yo just so you guys know, someone who’s been credible in the past put together this document saying Russia might have […]

Let’s Stop Being Angry Birds

The slow creep of social media censorship, epitomized by Twitter’s recent out-of-the-blue purge of various alt-right accounts, should be viewed with contempt as a scandalous […]

The Art of Conservatism’s Deal

Donald Trump is either a day away from being the next president, or from being the most consequential nominee for the Republican Party brand since Barry […]

Hillary’s Useful Idiots

#NeverTrump have become open saboteurs. Whether because of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s have-it-both-ways disavowal of the Republican Party’s nominee, or because of Ohio Governor John […]