WaPo’s Wobbly Logic

So after getting attention from everyone from Kurt Schlichter to the Drudge Report, to even Rush Limbaugh, the case of the UK government’s disturbing attempt […]

Young Americans for Folly

It was the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) convention of 1968, and a conservative civil war was in the process of erupting. A vocal faction […]

Anarcho-Tyranny in the UK

Disturbing news has come to light from the United Kingdom this morning, courtesy of author and journalist Lauren Southern, and of Cassandra Fairbanks at Gateway Pundit. […]

The Slaughterhouse Escape Election

There is a metaphor to be excavated from this highly amusing story depicting the Great Escape-esque travails of a Polish bovine and her subsequent liberation. Here’s the […]

Trump Is Right to Fear Amazon

President Trump’s feud with the shopping giant Amazon is both welcome and overdue. Welcome, because Amazon’s ambitions extend well beyond the monopoly power that Trump […]

Just Log Off

Facebook’s latest public-relations nightmare increasingly looks likely (and finally) to be the proximate cause of regulation or, at least, interrogation of the company for its […]

Why November May Spell Doom

Since the special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District, Democrats have been giddy, while Republicans have tried to conjure some reason—any reason—why the PA-18 result […]

Banned in Britain

This past weekend, the United Kingdom showed every American why we should be proud to have thrown off their rule. First, the British Home Office […]

Sympathy for #TheResistance

Recently, a Trump skeptical friend of mine shared a certain embarrassingly shrill series of tweets with me, remarking gloomily that it was “The Trump-re-elect in […]

The Snowflakes’ Greatest Trick

The 19th-century poet Charles Baudelaire famously observed that “the loveliest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” A similar […]

Flight 93 Has Not Landed

Like many readers of American Greatness, I have watched the unfolding debate over what can only be called “the Flight 93 question” with equal parts […]