It is deeply unfortunate that Trump appears headed for an Electoral College defeat. The next four years could be rough. But there are always silver linings to be found amid the rubble.
After four years of relentlessly fighting a president they never accepted they have the temerity to tell us all to pipe down and get on board with calling Biden “president-elect.”
The Republican Party and conservative lawyers across the country need to rally like never before to ensure every vote cast and tabulated is a legitimate one.
America survived Southern secession and the Civil War. But if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris prevail in this presidential election, our regime will be tested like no time since.
Federal judges throughout the country should follow one exceedingly simple and dispositive legal rule in adjudicating the myriad of lawsuits unfolding.
It is incumbent upon those of us who live in the real world to act responsibly and stand up against this distinctly 21st-century threat to the American way of life.
The Trump administration, despite the morally checkered past of the president himself, has been a deeply loyal and committed friend of religious and traditionalist Americans.
It is high time for the president to fully grasp the magnitude of the current doldrums, focus on the high ground of substance and fight for his political life.
Amidst a roiling cold civil war between the proud Americanists and the embittered civilizational arsonists rioting in the streets, it is worth clarifying where everyone stands.
A Biden list would confirm the worst of Americans' fears about what sort of dystopia a Democratic presidency, armed with the levers of judicial branch nomination powers, would inflict upon We the People.
The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.
With the possible exception of narrowly targeted investments in science and technology, it is long past time to defund American higher education of every single taxpayer dollar.
We need a substantive vision for the good life in America. As Aristotle put it in his “Politics,” “a state exists for the sake of a good life, and not for the sake of life only.”