The Left’s War on Free Speech

The First Amendment is designed to protect speech I hate, not speech I embrace. The best way to expose stupidity, hate, racism is to give people who espouse such thoughts a platform to expose them.

Strange Bedfellows

While a “unity ticket” is highly unlikely, there is an opportunity for supporters of both RFK, Jr. and the eventual Republican nominee for president to join forces to defeat Joe Biden.

Joe Freedom

Joe Biden unironically declares that the 2024 presidential election will be about whether we want more freedom, or less. 

Boot Buttigieg

As Republican leadership debates which members of the Biden Administration deserve impeachment, the secretary of transportation belongs at the top of the list. 

The Inflation Garden Party

What will Joe Biden do when inflation exceeds 10 percent? Perhaps another garden party with a more relevant musician, some elephants, and clowns.