2020 Forever

How long will these restrictions go on? As people are finding out in California, New York, and all across Europe, the intention is that they should go on forever.

Life Without the Vaccine

It’s lucky they made me watch all those films about peer pressure in high school. Because I have never in my adult life—or even in high school—experienced peer pressure like this. 

Remove Congress from Washington

Making laws shouldn’t be a full-time job—the idea that we’d treat it as such would have struck the delegates to the first United States Congress as very peculiar. 

Your Vote Won’t Count

There is no point in hoping the next election will be magically less fraudulent than the last one. Hope gives you an excuse not to act.

Freedom at Any Price

If you prefer safety to freedom, that’s your choice: It’s a free country. But I’m for freedom. That is the essence of America.

Just Say No

If America is to enjoy a new birth of freedom, it starts with those Americans who believe there are some things more important than safety, some things dearer even than life.

No One Can Disagree with Socialism

The idea that religion must be expelled from all public places is a lie and a fraud—a Marxist trojan horse: The goal isn’t to expel all religion. The goal is to expel all competing religions.