Mayday for Brexit
President Trump managed to ruffle a few feathers during his visit to Great Britain this week before Air Force One even stroked the runway. Then, […]
President Trump managed to ruffle a few feathers during his visit to Great Britain this week before Air Force One even stroked the runway. Then, […]
It’s almost as if the Democrats cultured their newest and shiniest pet in a petri dish. Person of color? Check. Not male, pale, or stale? […]
Scientists are so smart these days they can tell how someone voted in the 2016 Brexit referendum by asking how they like their steak prepared. […]
Germans like to apologize. During a brief trip to Munich last year, tensions between locals and newly arrived migrants often flared into fizzing commotions of […]
Kanye West is not shy. As Hurricane Katrina and the flooding that followed disemboweled New Orleans in a frenzy of immutable destruction, West told the […]
Donna Brazile was 9-years-old when she cut her political teeth. After hearing that a local candidate for New Orleans city council pledged to build a […]
After a political saga an Italian newspaper compared to a “Monty Python” sketch, Italian populists have cobbled together a government the Financial Times likens to […]
During a recent trip to Budapest, I met an American liberal who took just 47 minutes to tell me to go and screw myself. Well, […]
Italian populists, whose slogan suggests that their opponents to go and fornicate elsewhere, are set to form a government with the Mediterranean edition of President […]
Donald Trump’s presidency is done. Over. No, seriously. This time, his obsessives insist like meth-mottled street urchins—gaunt, moon-eyed and festooned with weeping chancres, it really […]
The insufferably honest chap who cajoled Great Britain into the Iraq War based on “intelligence” not even Buzzfeed would credit, thinks his countrymen’s historic vote […]
London sautéed in blood this week, as its furied denizens stabbed, shot, and robbed, eclipsing for the first time New York City’s murder rate. Meanwhile, […]
The country that gifted George Orwell to civilization is about to jail a young comedian for making a joke. Yes. Great Britain, one-time incubator of […]
Liberals haven’t taken the election of Donald Trump in stride. No, the seemingly grown adults who’ve spent the last 12 months donning pussy hats, then […]
Imagine still hanging around parking lots—wearing a hoodie—in your mid-40s. Such is the tragedy of Marshall Mathers’ (a.k.a., Eminem) rebirth from pitchfork picador to corporate […]
All of the world’s problems began the day we started handing fat kids participation trophies for wheezing into last place. Promised, I can attest, a […]
For the politically demented, 2016 was a vintage year. Well, at least for those whose blood warms when seeing their foes splay and spasm like […]
Ernest Hemingway once settled a bet by writing this six-word short story—“For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” align=”left” Review of “What Happened” by Hillary Rodham Clinton […]