May Lives On

If there is one saving grace to pluck from the laughable wreckage that is British politics, it’s that Theresa May, still prime minister, has promised […]

Je Suis, Gilet Jaune

Good intentions are expensive. But seldom is the bill footed by the well-intentioned. I forked out $1,100 this week to an auto-mechanic to fix a […]

The Reboot of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s latest software update is a slight improvement on the previous version. Gone is the simpering sachet of Frank’s Red Hot. Remarkably, engineers have […]

Theresa’s Dismay

The demise of British Prime Minister Theresa May has been put off. At least until next week. Last weekend, the Sunday Times assured readers that […]

Hillary Ad Nauseam

Few events would seem to be more excruciating than an evening with Hillary and Bill Clinton. Remarkably, many Americans truant of their synapses seem happy […]

Warren 2020

In what now seems like a distant memory from a parallel universe—one in which things were relatively normal and milk wasn’t a symbol of patriarchal […]

#MeToo and the Death Rattle

The final victory of feelings over facts was almost confirmed this week, at least until the pre-condemned Brett Kavanaugh was afforded the old-fangled notion of […]

Boris and the Burka Berserker

Chimpanzees are something like political animals. Much of their lives revolve around manipulating those around them. They hide their feelings. They hold grudges. They have […]

Bannon Builds a Bomb

Liberals keen to wake up from what they regard as a prelapsarian nightmare in which fascists have stormed the White House, and “The Handmaid’s Tale” […]