The People vs. Parliament

The signs are favorable to the true center of the country. The general election scheduled for December will be decided by what Remainers hate most: older, white males without a college degree. Americans might call them Trump Democrats. Britons call him Workington Man.

Suicide in the West

The still-warm, cadaverous Michel Houellebecq is a modern soothsayer. His latest book, Serotonin, is the novel for our globalized, demoralized times. 

The Baba Anoush

Ultra-Remainers, like the parents of a “gender-secret” child in Bristol, will never understand why their children broke free from their madness.

The Woke Joke

Q: Why are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle lecturing about climate change one day and flying private across Europe the next? A: Shut up, racist!  

The Big Break-Up

Progressives hate Trump. They hate Boris Johnson. Why? Because both govern for the people. You know, the clods and the rubes and the clingers and the gammons. Those awful folks who clean the offices and nurse the sick and put out the fires and patch the potholes. The daily-breaders. Those folks.

Boris and the Crybullies

There is little more gorgeous than the enunciated subtle rage of the middle-class English blonde. Such spectacle is well worth the very occasional stoke. After […]

Who Are the Big Babies Now?

What better way to demonstrate one’s tolerance and open-mindedness than daubing a placard with a twee proclamation, then dousing a “fascist” with a milkshake for […]