15 Minutes of History on a Once Glorious Isle

Suicide in the West

Brexit, Again and Again and Again

Brexit Agonistes

The Baba Anoush

Whose Democracy Is It Anyway?

A Fine Mess for the Moment

Rediscovering the Soviet Art of Telling a Joke

The Woke Joke

The Big Break-Up

Reflections on the Revolution in London
Perhaps my political palette has sophisticated of late. Like that of the helpless addict, more and stronger product is needed to attain that first cotton-wrapped […]

Boycott Culture Is All the Left Has Left
The boycott was once preserved for the most diabolical of political regimes. In decades of old, activists with an actual enemy to slay used the […]

McGovern 2020

Boris and the Crybullies
There is little more gorgeous than the enunciated subtle rage of the middle-class English blonde. Such spectacle is well worth the very occasional stoke. After […]

It’s the Immigration, Stupid
Perhaps it is a lot to ask, but Democrats could learn a great deal from the recent Danish elections. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), and the […]

Who Are the Big Babies Now?
What better way to demonstrate one’s tolerance and open-mindedness than daubing a placard with a twee proclamation, then dousing a “fascist” with a milkshake for […]

‘Remain’ Wins! ‘Leave’ Loses! And Other Upside-Down Tales
You would be forgiven for thinking that handily winning the vote share over your rivals meant you had won an election. But in the Current […]

What Part of ‘Leave’ Don’t They Understand?
To prove one’s progressive credentials, one could do worse than to purchase a milkshake from an ostensibly detested fast-food corporation, douse a politician deemed a […]

Progressives Eating Their Own
To be genuinely offended becomes more difficult in an age when every daily flutter of news presents a new outrage. Social media vibrates with a […]