Joe Biden’s foreign policy team is committed to an “across the board restoration project” of an era in which President Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for, critics attest—nothing.
A Biden-Harris Administration would be the most left-wing in recent history and safely the most progressive since George McGovern’s ill-fated 1972 presidential run.
Party of the working man, you say? Since April, at least 36 billionaires have donated $100,000 or more to Biden-backing committees and the Democratic National Committee.
The son of Joe Biden’s business dealings stretch far beyond those of Burisma, connecting with financial figures with strong ties to foreign governments.
The year which elected Donald Trump, and pried Great Britain from the European Union, remains the ultimate expression of normal people and their desire for wholly normal politics.
It seems the nutters are suffering with a bout of Boris Derangement Syndrome—an affliction the relentless symptoms of which Americans will find all too familiar.
The drastic measures needed for this “chemotherapy” against a serious disease have unshrouded the suppressive nature of a hearty minority. Watch “Karen” and learn what she’s capable of doing.
To the Woke, art presents an unpredictable hazardous threat to the nonsense they’re forced to repeat ad nauseam. Any creative endeavor is pregnant with risk and presents a moment where the mind is unguarded and pliable.
Boris Johnson has learned much from Donald Trump. Both men know the Workington Man and the Trump Democrat fled their ancestral parties with reluctant despair. Those emigrés expect a return on their trust.
Between Jeremy Corbyn’s Bleak House of beggars and billionaires, and the one-nation conservatism of Boris Johnson, the British people voted emphatically for the latter.
Jeremy Corbyn’s candidacy reveals the true faultline of post-2016 politics. Gone are the defunct Left and Right. The battle isn't even between the modish “national" and "global.” It's a battle of reason versus emotion.
To re-elect Boris Johnson with a sizeable majority not only would secure Brexit, but an agenda of One-Nation Toryism fashioned in its common-sense appeal to the vast majority. To lose would mean a subtle Hell.
The signs are favorable to the true center of the country. The general election scheduled for December will be decided by what Remainers hate most: older, white males without a college degree. Americans might call them Trump Democrats. Britons call him Workington Man.