Why Does This Keep Happening? By Charles J. Urlacher — April 2, 2023 We don’t have a gun problem. We have a liberal and libertarian problem.
The Communists Won The Cold War By Charles J. Urlacher — December 31, 2021 The old Soviet regime was not defeated; it is reestablishing itself in the United States.
End the Devshirme and Save Your Kids By Charles J. Urlacher — June 25, 2021 Our compulsory system of public education is spiritually abducting our children and forging them into weapons to be used against America
International Capitalists: Useful Idiots, Practical Communists, or Both? By Charles J. Urlacher — May 26, 2021 People calling themselves “Americans” continue to work to build their own empire through “our democracy” by drawing upon profits made in Communist China.
The False Dichotomy: Communism vs. Capitalism By Charles J. Urlacher — May 7, 2021 Are the international capitalists who controlled the United States in the 1980s and 2000s Lenin’s new useful idiots?