The Trump-Kanye Meeting Was Weird—If You’re a Racist
The Democratic Party is a group of tricksters. Consider this: the party of Jim Crow managed to recast themselves as the paragon of racial equality […]
The Democratic Party is a group of tricksters. Consider this: the party of Jim Crow managed to recast themselves as the paragon of racial equality […]
With the resignation of Nikki Haley as the Trump Administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, naturally talk has turned to who might replace her at […]
Republicans are slated to lose the midterms next month. History is against them. The “experts” don’t think the GOP has a snowball’s chance in Florida. […]
Ever since Donald Trump ascended to the presidency, confused members of the media have been trying to come to grips with their inability to understand […]
There are times I forget the Republican Party won the 2016 election. The reason is simple: because most of the establishment GOP continues the loveable […]
The election of Donald Trump was a seminal moment in modern American history, as one of the important things it signaled was a need for […]
On the night of September 11, 2012, elements of al Qaeda launched a well-coordinated attack on the poorly defended U.S. consulate in war-torn Benghazi, Libya. […]
Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear: Trump in the White House, has exposed something constitutional scholars might, at best, call outright insubordination. At worst, it amounts […]
The new Ryan Gosling film, “First Man,” slated for release on October 12 of this year is already garnering a high amount of criticism from […]
The increasingly autocratic government of Turkey has lost its mind. Or, at least, it has returned to its historical form. Under Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip […]
Democrats say “love trumps hate,” and they’re not wrong—at least, not for the reasons they think. Donald Trump won in 2016 precisely because love trumps […]
The American national security system is broken. Forged in the aftermath of World War II, the national security state was invented to prevent the kind […]
The Chinese want to regain Taiwan as much as Abraham Lincoln desired to keep the southern states in the Union. Since the day that Taiwan […]
For the last 20 years, Venezuela has been a major threat to the United States in the Western Hemisphere—outstripping even the threat of Castro’s Cuba—because […]
When President Donald J. Trump was elected, one of his first decisions was to fulfill an early campaign promise: he abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement […]
President Donald Trump is not playing three-dimensional chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Certainly, compared to his rivals—Republican and Democrat alike—the president is running […]
In recent weeks, two seminal events have occurred that make war with Iran more likely. First, Iran (currently struggling with growing domestic unrest because of […]
Three decades of rocky Russo-American relations have been the result, mainly, of a lack of planning on the part of Washington. As the West—specifically, the […]
FBI agent Peter Strzok held one of the most important national security positions in the entire bloated federal government. Strzok was the chief of the […]
The Russian Federation controls one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. In fact, Russia’s nonstrategic nuclear weapons arsenal is likely larger and more […]