Mueller’s Investigation Must Be Limited and Accountable
How much goalpost moving should be tolerable in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation? Remember, we started with an allegation that the Trump campaign may have been […]
How much goalpost moving should be tolerable in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation? Remember, we started with an allegation that the Trump campaign may have been […]
Do you know what federal prosecutors do when a thief brings the FBI incriminating documents that he has swiped from his victim’s home? They use […]
Here’s my problem: I’m a Bill of Rights guy in what’s become a Second Bill of Rights country. That’s why I can’t work up much […]
So I’ve been wondering: Why on earth does a prosecutor, brought in to investigate a case in which there is no apparent crime, need a […]
“I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president.” That statement by James Comey had this old trial lawyer’s antennae […]
It is hard to understand why this news is news at all, but ABC News reported Tuesday evening that former FBI director James Comey will […]
Maybe it will be remembered as the weekend when, at long last, the media-Democrat complex overplayed its hand on the “Collusion with Russia” narrative. They […]
The excruciating facts keep on coming in. Twenty-two are dead, many of them children. About five dozen others are wounded, such that the death-toll may […]