Blessed are the Peacemakers! 

It is all well and good that immigration and foreign aid dominate the current political discourse. I welcome this change!

But we should not forget the Russo-Ukrainian War. This crisis looms large in the background, threatening to subsume Trump’s domestic agenda into its maw. Just ask LBJ or George W. Bush what a foreign war can do to a presidency.

Therefore, I believe General Keith Kellogg, Trump’s special envoy to Ukraine, is in a critical position to carry out the President’s will. I pray deeply for his success, for an end to this brutal and nihilistic war.

This will not be an easy task. It is imperative that we come to grips with the real situation facing the United States. Put simply, America MUST end its involvement in this conflict. It is not in our interest to send hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars abroad into a proxy war with a nuclear power.

The purpose of the American government is to protect the “life, liberty, and happiness” of the American people. Not Ukrainians, not Russians, not Qataris, not Mexicans—Americans.

From the beginning of America’s involvement in Ukraine, the Biden regime justified participation in the conflict not as necessary to America’s immediate self-defense but as a moral crusade to defend the liberal world order.

During the Cold War, for instance, no sober American policymaker ever proposed invading Ukraine while it was part of the USSR. When the Russians were much stronger than they are now and when they represented an existential ideological threat to the free world, no one in DC argued that we should try and stoke a nationalist backlash in Ukraine. That would have rightly been considered insane and suicidal.

American policymakers began pursuing such a strategy in Eastern Europe only after the Soviet collapse in 1991 as a way of trying to dominate the whole Eurasian landmass in the name of liberalism and human rights. This was a hubristic and delusional strategy birthed from an insane moral fervor.

America desperately needs adults back in the room. We desperately need President Trump to restore sanity in our foreign policy.

The moral fervor that has animated the DC establishment class has led to a profound disconnect from reality. Even now, DC apparatchiks insist that Russia is just a “gas station with nukes” and that it is a “good investment” to pour weapons into Ukraine in order to bleed the Russians dry.

But Russia is not our enemy! We have not declared war on them. Russia today is not the USSR and it has not attacked the United States’ soil or military. Ukraine is not America.

If sovereignty is to have any meaning at all, then it must exist not only for America but for other nations. In the words of the Declaration of Independence, the powers of the earth occupy a “separate and EQUAL station.” The Declaration of Independence likewise says that “Free and Independent States” have “full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce…”

For the Founders, sovereignty meant the right of all powers on earth to decide to pursue war or peace as their interest dictates. This means that other powers can choose to go to war as they choose to see fit, without consulting any other power on earth, including America.

The liberals who dominate DC hate this idea, however. They hate sovereignty. If nations have the right to make choices, then they could make bad choices. The liberals then demand an end to sovereignty as such.

Liberals insist that instead, they must manage the world in the name of human rights and democracy. America, for the liberals, must become the “dictatress of the world” in the name of freedom, gay rights, feminism, transgenderism, and anti-racism.

America can therefore never be at peace. We can never be concerned solely with our own interests. EVERY conflict on earth is our business to manage and direct. This view of justice is deluded and deeply dangerous. It blinds the establishment to its own weakness. They are moral and righteous, so everything they do must be good altogether.

It is for this reason that so many of the predictions about the Russo-Ukrainian War have been faulty. Putin has not been deposed. The Russian military has not collapsed. The Ukrainians are not winning.

Russia is not just a “gas station with nukes.” It is a transcontinental empire with vast natural resources and very real autochthonous manufacturing capacity. For instance, the Russians, despite having a military budget that is, on paper, just a fraction of NATO’s and the United States’, produce three times as many artillery shells per year as all of Europe and North America combined.

Russian battle losses have not slackened Russian resolve. They believe they are in an existential conflict for their sovereignty. Russians believe that Ukraine belongs to part of Russia. They have longstanding cultural, historical, and political reasons to believe this.

It does not matter how liberals feel about the matter—the Russians have borne, according to official estimates, some 150,000 to 200,000 killed in the war and show no signs of stopping. Putin feels no need to come to the negotiating table unless he gets what he wants.

That is because he knows that Russia is winning.

Even the New York Times now admits it—Ukraine cannot keep pace with its profound losses on the battlefield and the enormous outflow of refugees and deserters fleeing abroad. Officially, Ukraine has lost (at least) six million citizens since the war’s beginning.

Ukraine is in full-on demographic collapse. Grinding battlefield losses will almost certainly mean decades of poverty and rebuilding. It is not clear Ukraine will ever recover, even with massive Western aid. This is a tragedy. What a disgusting loss of life!

It is in Ukraine’s best interests, even if the ultra-nationalists don’t see it, to end this conflict as soon as possible and by whatever means necessary. More importantly, it is in our best interests to get out, to stop throwing fuel on this fire.

We are in a much weaker position than anyone in DC wishes to admit. America is deeply divided. Leftist terrorists tried to assassinate the president twice on the campaign trail.

The nation’s previous ruling party tried desperately to throw the opposition candidate into prison to stop his rise. Leftist assassins recently succeeded in killing a major corporate CEO and a federal law enforcement agent.

Americans are deeply divided over COVID lockdowns, vaccine mandates, immigration, foreign wars, transgender surgeries for minors, DEI, and trade.

We are simply not in any position to wage a massive conventional conflict anywhere on Earth, much less in Eastern Europe. We simply could not sustain, socially or politically, the vast casualties the Russians have taken in the name of their sovereignty. It would lead to political revolt and destabilization.

The America that took great losses in WWII and Vietnam is gone. It has been demographically replaced. Its manufacturing base was shipped abroad. It has been denounced as racist, homophobic, and bigoted.

We have gotten diversity, equity, and inclusion all right! But now what? We are in no position to dictate to the world. The dramatic collapse of American forces in Afghanistan and the ongoing shipping crisis in the Red Sea are proof enough that the emperor has no clothes.

We need to retrench and regroup. We need to re-adopt the Monroe Doctrine as our foreign policy. We need to focus on our near abroad—retaking Panama, kicking out the army of illegals within our borders, establishing law and order in our own cities, and bringing back our manufacturing base.

The “unipolar moment” was always a lie. America was a great power in the latter half of the 20th century, yes. And in the aftermath of the Soviet collapse, it was tempting to believe we could play global hegemon. But that was a bridge too far. No power in human history, even as great as America after 1945, could truly dominate the earth.

America is still a superpower but a weakening one. We must act quickly to restore ourselves so that we can live a peaceful and productive existence in the emerging multipolar world. Justice and interest dictate such a policy.

To that end, we must abandon the insane moralism of the Biden regime and its predecessors. We must seek a new, hard-headed strategy of self-defense. We must be shrewd.

We must bring our involvement in the war in Ukraine to an end as soon as possible. I therefore pray for the success of President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance, and General Keith Kellogg as they pursue this noble course. May wisdom and prudence guide their hands. May they succeed!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God!

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About Josiah Lippincott

Josiah Lippincott is a Ph.D. student and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer. You can find him on Telegram at https://t.me/josiah_lippincott or subscribe to his Substack here.

Photo: BUCHA, UKRAINE - APRIL 06: A man pushes his bike through debris and destroyed Russian military vehicles on a street on April 06, 2022 in Bucha, Ukraine. The Ukrainian government has accused Russian forces of committing a "deliberate massacre" as they occupied and eventually retreated from Bucha, 25km northwest of Kyiv. Hundreds of bodies have been found in the days since Ukrainian forces regained control of the town. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

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