Schumer Under Investigation While Trump Reshapes Washington

Senator Chuck Schumer is a lawyer, so presumably he is familiar with the provisions of 18 U.S. Code § 115. In case he has forgotten—after all, there are a lot of statutes to keep track of—Edward R. Martin, Jr., the Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney, is in the process of reminding him.

Among other things, that statute holds that anyone who threatens a federal government official or their family with the “intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties,” shall be punished with a term in the slammer, the length of the sentence being dependent on the actual harm caused.

When the Supreme Court was hearing an abortion case in March 2020, Schumer showed up at a protest rally in front of the Court and shouted, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

Perhaps Nicholas John Roske had that speech in mind in June 2022. It was then that he traveled from California to Maryland to pay the Kavanaughs a visit. It was not intended to be a friendly visit. In the dead of night, he took a taxi to their home. According to the court filing, he carried a suitcase in which was a “black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar, pistol light, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles, and other items.”

When apprehended, Roske admitted that he had come to kill Brett Kavanaugh. I wonder what Chuck Schumer thought of that. It looks like Edward Martin is going to find out. On Friday, Martin announced not only that he was firing more than two dozen federal prosecutors; he also announced that he was opening an investigation into Schumer for his threats against two U.S. Supreme Court justices. For most mortals, issuing such threats would earn one a visit from the authorities. As a paid-up member of the Washington elite, Senator Schumer doubtless thought he was exempt from all such rules. Until January 20, he probably was.

A lot of things began to change that day. If you visit the personal data hoovering site known as Google, you will be informed that, beginning yesterday, February 1, we are in the midst of a month-long feria denominated “Black History Month.” The Pentagon used to celebrate such racially informed pseudo-celebrations as well. But our new Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, put a stop to that right speedily. On Friday, he issued a “Guidance” memorandum titled Identity Months Dead at DoD. Since singling out certain groups for celebration is bad for unity and morale, Hegseth reasoned, the cornucopia of “diversity” months that has covered public calendars like fungi is at an end. “Going forward,” we read,

DoD Components and Military Departments will not use official resources, to include man-hours, to host celebrations or events related to cultural awareness months, including National African American/Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month [! who knew?], Pride Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and National American Indian Heritage Month.

Is the page on all that woke insanity really turning? I think it might be. Within hours of taking office,  Donald Trump pounded a stake into the heart of federal DEI initiatives with an executive order prohibiting them. Among other things, that means no more putting your preferred pronouns in your official correspondence. Thank God for that. As Senator John Kennedy put it, “They/them are now was/were.” The mask having been ripped off all these absurdities, they will shrivel and waste away in the cold light of day of what Trump hailed as the “revolution of common sense.” The nonsense will not be easy to revive.

Elsewhere, Trump is repatriating illegal migrants, freeing hostages, and bringing water back to Southern California, “putting people above fish” (in this case, the tiny Delta Smelt). It also looks like the market in caves in Somalia has taken a serious hit. Yesterday, Trump ordered air strikes against “the Senior Isis attack planner and other terrorists” who were hiding in caves in that ravaged country. The troglodytes, Trump said, threatened the United States. Ergo, he

destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”

The ancien régime just hates it when Trump talks like that. The aspersions cast upon his political opponents, the braggadocio, the typographic bravado—it’s just not the way official Washington is supposed to sound.

Not, that was, until January 20. Expect a lot more where that came from. I for one, am deeply grateful for it.

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Notable Replies

  1. Rather than commenting on Roger Kimball’s column----which was fantastic as usual----his column got me to thinking about how three prominent personalities who’s daily jobs involve observing and reacting to people and the events of the day turned from Never-Trump’s to vociferous Trump supporters. The three are Roger Kimball, Tucker Carlson, and Greg Gutfeld.

    Kimball and Carlson both serve as sedate, traditional, and establishment conservatives steeped in the ins and outs of Washington D.C… Gutfeld, on the other hand is a former magazine editor on men’s health that turned into an iconoclastic observer of life’s foibles and inconsistencies in a gig at Fox News that aired in a timeslot few would be still up to watch----3 a.m…

    All three men originally viewed Trump with skepticism and horror as the 2016 presidential campaign began. Without listing all of the Trump characteristics that drive the extended pinkie crowd nuts—let’s just say that Trump ticked all the boxes in that regard for the three.

    And since their inculcated cultural norms were pretty much set in concrete as happens when men reach a certain age while in a certain lifestyle, their shift in perspective is astounding. Normal men, in normal times do not radically shift perspective unless an outsized force acts on a formerly unmovable object. We are talking a shift in perspective of Saul-on-the-way-to-Damascus epochal shift of shifts. But rather than the outsized force being Jesus Christ himself, it was the reaction of the media and the D.C. establishment class (D and R) to Trump that caused the scales to fall from the eyes of these three men. That shift was so profound that all three can be viewed as Trump apostles----teaching and preaching as they go.

    What brought all of this to mind this morning was my contemplation of the Democrat Party’s future with the election of Ken Martin of Minnesota to the coveted position of national DNC chairman. Martin’s promise, as he takes on the Herculean task of shepherding the Party’s fundraising and outreach arm, is that he will do exactly what Democrats have been doing unsuccessfully with the promise that it WILL be successful THIS time. Can you believe it?
    I’m both dumbfounded and grateful at the same time.

    Democrat strategy reminds me of those who defend socialism----yeah, it has never worked, but it’s going to work this time because we are going to do it even better, with even more controls.
    Humans are curious animals, I must say.

    As my morning thoughts meandered around while reading Kimball’s ruminations of Schumer’s possible legal plight and D.C.'s continued reaction to all things Trump, I began thinking of the 2026 mid-terms. Given our current national polarization, the normal odds of the Democrats regaining the House would be a bet in the sure thing category. But I’m beginning to wonder about those odds now.

    We all saw the massive shift in the electorate towards Trump in the 2024 election----and I think we can all put our finger on the reasons why----if the Democrat Party continues along the same losing path of Trump demonization, our odds in 2026 improve considerably.

    Never interrupt an enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself is a valid observation of Sun Tzu. I think we should listen to the guy.

  2. Wish I could give you more than one heart, Everett!

  3. Excellent comment EB!

    I’d like to pick up on one part of your comment. I watched a video this morning of James Carville—the Rajun Cajun—lamenting how awful a candidate Kamala Harris was, and how much “staggering talent” there is in the Democrat party.

    Let me repeat that for effect; “staggering talent”.

    Besides being laugh out loud funny, if judging this boast against the newly elected DNC chair and vice chair is what Carville is referring to, I’d say the future looks so bright for MAGA Republicans, we’re gonna need shades.

  4. Thanks RK. Part of my mental turmoil this morning is that I’ve been exchanging posts with a lady of the liberal persuasion at media-ite over the last few months. Sane in most things, she still considers Trump as a crass, criminal anti-Christ. And, as we had been discussing how Trump overcame all of his legal challenges, she is still convinced the lawfare was legal, ethical, and necessary. I’ve been thinking about how to answer her last post and still have not come up with a strategy to address her without sending her over the cliff.

    It’s easy dealing with the insane ones, but harder with the relatively sane. I keep hoping I can lead her to her own Damascus Road, but am realizing I’m not up to the challenge. And it saddens me.

  5. Since official Washington often sounds like either obsequious office brown-nosers or sketchy used car salesmen, I’m remarkably okay with Pres. Trump not sound like them.

    The tariffs against Canada and Mexico took effect yesterday. The one on Canada has the potential to change plans my husband and I made back in the fall. I hope that those actions by PDJT will have the desired effect and Canada will be more mindful about allowing people to access our borders via Canada & the tariffs will be removed before spring. If not, we’ll try to get our deposit back & move on the Plan B. What I’m not going to do is rail against the tariffs because it may inconvenience me or mine. I am willing to endure short-term impacts if it gains this country the long-term benefits of a more secure homeland or more balanced trade agreements.

    Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, AOC and others have all made statements off the floor that are directly threatening to and inflammatory towards Republicans; it is about time that these individuals learn what FAFO means in a very personal way.

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