A far-left group with hundreds of millions of dollars in immigration contracts has issued a statement demanding that illegal aliens be allowed to stay in the United States.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the Washington, D.C.-based Acacia Center for Justice is one of the largest federal immigration contractors in the country. The group, launched in 2022, currently has a $769 million program that focuses on providing legal assistance to illegal aliens, in order to help them avoid deportation in immigration court.
Although the group claims to simply be focused on providing “rights” to illegals, the group has also advocated for drastic, pro-immigrant reforms to the American immigration system, and thus has been critical of the Trump Administration.
In a statement, the Acacia Center claimed that the current immigration system is “intentionally designed” to disadvantage “black and brown people.” It also expresses opposition to police officers having a role in “immigration purposes,” and even claims that “no immigrant should be detained.”
Shortly after the 2024 election, Acacia’s executive director Shaina Aber released a statement saying that “no election result will erase the diversity and strength of our multicultural origins,” and that “whatever comes, our partners will fight to ensure due process protections are not jettisoned in favor of politically motivated scapegoating.”
Last June, the group issued a report demanding that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review begin using “gender-affirming language in immigration court,” and called for disciplinary actions against “repeated conduct that fails to affirm gender identity for noncitizens.”
President Donald Trump’s signature campaign and policy issue has always been immigration. Since returning to office, he has resumed construction on the southern border wall, begun carrying out mass deportations, and signed multiple executive orders on immigration, including declaring a national emergency on the southern border and ending the practice of birthright citizenship.
I think I see a place where the OMB can recoup a significant chunk of cash…
One of the many problems with NGOs and government contracts, is the terms of these contracts often require these groups to contribute a percentage of their revenues through donations. There is little, if any, enforcement of those terms. The fact is, these groups would not be able to continue subverting our laws and aiding and abetting felonies without being fully-funded by taxpayer money. Withdraw the funding, and they will collapse, along with their “clients”. I cannot believe this nonsense has gone on this long. Heads should roll.
The reasons these groups defend foreign citizens who enter the US illegally or believe they ought to receive the same treatment as citizens are unfathomable. No taxpayer funding should ever be expended on illegally present foreign citizens, except to return them to their countries of origin.
I am so glad that the contracts to use federal money to represent illegals in immigration proceedings in court have been voided. Long overdue!