Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearings for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) have seen some of some of the harshest questioning of any of President Trump’s cabinet nominees by D.C. hardliners.
One upside to the acrimony is that Kennedy’s harshest critics and defenders of the status quo are now being publicly revealed as the lawmakers to whom the pharmaceutical industry has donated the most money.
The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵
— A Midwestern Doctor (@MidwesternDoc) January 30, 2025
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is the largest recipient of money from Big Pharma, asked Kennedy if healthcare was a human right and then refused to let the HHS nominee answer his question with anything other than a “yes” or “no” answer.
Sanders would not let Kennedy differentiate between unalienable rights like free speech and man-made “rights” that create ever-increasing obligations to the government.
RFK just gave a flawless answer to Bernie Sanders asking if health care is a human right.
Bet Sanders didn’t expect an answer this intelligent… he interrupted RFK IMMEDIATELY.
SANDERS: Is it a human right? Yes or no?
RFK: In the way that free speech is? It’s different,…
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 29, 2025
Sen. Sanders has been the recipient of nearly $2 million in donations from pharmaceutical companies.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) showed herself to be one of Kennedy’s most strident detractors and was, by far, the angriest of the lawmakers questioning him during yesterday’s confirmation hearing.
Sen. Warren accused Kennedy of wanting to sue vaccine manufacturers whose vaccines cause harm as a means of personally enriching himself and warned that holding Big Pharma accountable for any harm caused could bankrupt the industry.
Kennedy responded, “Senator, you’re asking me not to sue pharmaceutical companies,” to which Warren became enraged shouting, “No, I’m not!”
RFK Jr Shuts Down Sen. Warren 💥
“Senator, you’re asking me not to sue pharmaceutical companies … That’s exactly what you are doing.”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 29, 2025
Warren is third on the list of U.S. Senators who have accepted large amounts of Big Pharma money having received nearly $1.2 million in donations from the drug industry.
Sanders and Warren are just two of the Senators engaging in astonishing hypocrisy for accusing Kennedy of trying to get rich at the expense of the health of the American public while lining their pockets with cash from Big Pharma.
Pay attention to who has accepted the most in drug industry money and it’s easy to connect the dots to who is fighting the hardest to prevent Kennedy from being confirmed.
I recall when Michael Bloomberg, then mayor of New York, pushed for a ban on Big Gulp sodas. Pols and pundits on the right excoriated him, rightly in my view, for this nanny-state measure. Now, they support RFKJr, who represents the nanny-state to the hundredth power. Pretty odd.
RFK’s views on food and medicine are, to put it charitably, unnuanced, as are the arguments being made for confirming him. Terms like “Big Ag,” “Big Food,” and “Big Pharma” that are thrown around in every article I read about this, are Orwellian propaganda terms that stop people from thinking.
We have far better food today than when I was young, more varied, more plentiful, and of higher quality. The “Big Pharma” bogey-man I hear so much about has created medicines that have improved the lives, in fact saved the lives, of probably millions of people. Certainly, there are important, and complex, issues being raised about the health system, particularly in connection with Covid, but RFKJr’s “Big Government” is not the answer.
One other thing: RFK is a global warming extremist. He could wreak policy havoc in this area from the HHS position. Put me down as a “No.”
Has no one done an “R” pharma league table? (Asking for a friend…)