“I’m eating my breakfast in bed in my hotel room—I’m enjoying life so much!” J6 political prisoner Jake Lang gushed Wednesday morning after being set free. “I’ve got butter, pancakes, blueberries …”
About 36 hours earlier Lang had been “swarmed and assaulted” by prison officials at the DC Gulag as he peacefully waited for his release. Monday night at 9:30 p.m., about seven officers, led by Lt. Telly Allen, burst through the door, assaulted him and forced him back to his cell, Lang told American Greatness during a telephone interview Wednesday.
“They violently twisted my arms behind my back and scuffed up my wrists and hands,” he said. “They physically picked me up and threw me in my prison cell.”
It wasn’t the first time Lang had been abused by prison guards, but thankfully, it was the last.
On January 20, President Trump pardoned over 1,500 January 6 political prisoners, and Lang was among over 250 still in jail anxiously awaiting his release. He spent the last four years in prison without a trial, and like so many others, was subjected to beatings, solitary confinement, and other forms of torture.
Lang said he spent one more cold night at the DC Gulag, because, thinking he would be released immediately, he had given his mattress and blankets away to other prisoners. Despite this, he said “I slept like a baby knowing that in a few short hours I would be released.”
According to Lang, the U.S. Marshalls showed up on Tuesday at about noon, and he and about five other J6ers were put in a waiting pen for eight hours without food or water or access to the bathroom, while they were “processed.”
Lang said he suspected they were pouring over their records to see if there were any detainers or parole violations that would allow them to keep them locked up.
“They just wanted to get the last pound of flesh out of us,” he said.
While still incarcerated, Lang founded “The January 6 Life Rebuilding Project” to help financially devastated and emotionally scarred J6ers restore their shattered lives.
“We’ve endured four years of cruel and unusual punishment. Now, as we finally taste freedom, many of us will be homeless and penniless. We cannot rebuild alone—we need your help,” he said.
The J6 Life Rebuilding Project is focused on “supplying these men with the necessities to resettle into society: First months rent, a cell phone, clothing and some groceries to hold them over until they begin working again.”
Lang told American Greatness to stay tuned for the “$50 billion lawsuit” that was coming.
Lang was arrested on January 16, 2021 and charged on January 29, 2021 with “Civil Disorder; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings.”
Lang, who was photographed wearing a gas mask, and wielding a shield and baseball bat, pled not guilty to all the charges.
He told American Greatness that he didn’t go to the rally with any of those items, explaining that he had been at a boardroom meeting the day before, and had attended the rally wearing business attire.
Like thousands of others who attended the rally, Lang said he had come to protest the rigged 2020 election. He ended up at the brutal battle scene outside the entrance to the tunnel on the lower west side of the Capitol building, where police viciously attacked the protesters and beat Rosanne Boyland to death.
After Boyland died, Lang said he “accumulated the gas mask, the riot shield and the baseball bat” and used them “as defensive measures against the murderers.”
“I wasn’t willing to have any other unarmed women or elderly men be pummeled and brutalized to death,” he said. Boyland had died, he said, “virtually in my arms.”
Lang told American Greatness that he found the gas mask on the ground near the tunnel. The shield and baseball bat, he said, were being “passed around.”
“About a dozen defendants were charged with using that same baseball bat,” he explained, adding that he had been standing there with the riot shield trying to defend himself and others around him from the pepper spray when a suspected antifa agitator handed him the baseball bat.
Lang said he went on to use the baseball bat like “a caveman” would use a torch to ward off “a pack of wolves.”
“I used the bat in this sweeping motion to kind of push back and keep at bay the advance of the Capitol Police that were on a baton death march to kill people,” he said.
During his four year, five day incarceration, Lang said he was moved 17 times to various federal prisons in New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC and Brooklyn. “It’s a torture tactic known as “diesel therapy,” he explained. The tactic, he said, “is designed to unmoor and disillusion those who are in pretrial detainment in order to break down their conviction and resolve to maintain their innocence and make them accept a plea deal.”
One time, he added, he was put on a plane and flown all the way to Oklahoma, and then put on another plane and flown right back to the East Coast.
Lang explained that once he would get his bearings at a new facility, he would get busy working on his case, organizing, and going on conservative podcasts to talk about the prison abuse. This activity, he said, would cause prison officials to “lose their minds,” and move him again.
Lang said the tactic is also used to thwart a prisoner’s ability to defend himself.
“Any legal evidence you accumulate at whatever facility you’re at, the legal work you’ve done, the research, the videos, the hard drives—all that is left behind when you have to move to a new facility and so you have to start from scratch on your case every time they move you,” he explained. “And your lawyer doesn’t know where you’re at for weeks, your family is incredibly worried, thinking you disappeared off the face of the earth, that they brought you to some underground CIA bunker and are waterboard torturing you. He said the prisoners’ families had no way of knowing what was happening.
“They had us marked as domestic terrorists and wanted to bury us under the jail,” Lang declared.
In 2021, prison officials illegally coerced J6ers to get the experimental COVID injections by withholding religious services, family visits, lawyer visits and hair cuts to prisoners who refused.
“They basically put a gun up to our head and said you can pull your own trigger or live in abject tyranny for an unlimited amount of time,” he explained.
“I was rocking it out, with a full Unibomber look,” Lang told American Greatness. He said he never broke down and got the jab.
“If the government tells you, ‘take this it’s free,’ run!” he explained.
After Trump won the 2024 election, the prison guards who had been tormenting the J6 prisoners for nearly four years “did a complete 180,” Lang said. “They knew—’oh crap, these guys are now going to be in positions of political power to hold us accountable for our torture’—so they really tried to kiss up to us,” he explained.
“The very same guard that assaulted Ryan Samsel—brutally, almost killing him—walked me out of prison that day, thinking he could chum it up with me and I would forget the torture he did to my brother,” Lang said. He named the offending officer, spelling out his last name for me: “Corporal H-a-y-e-s.”
In March of 2021, Hayes allegedly beat Samsel at the DC Gulag until “his eye popped out of his head.”
Samsel’s attorney, Elisabeth Pasqualani, told ABC News in April 2021 that two guards had come to his cell in the early morning hours, ordered him to put on zip-tie handcuffs, and took him to a nearby cell.
Pasqualani said Samsel told her that one of the officers then proceeded to “punch him, hit him, kick him” as he lay on the ground.
According to Pasqualani, Samsel was taken to a hospital and suffered a broken nose and a fractured orbital floor in his eye socket, and that he still cannot see out of his right eye, which “might be permanent,” she said.
The D.C. Department of Corrections Director Quincy Booth claimed a department probe cleared its officer of any wrongdoing.
Samsel was relocated to a separate facility after Pasqualani requested his transfer following the savage assault.
Lang said after the political winds shifted, Hayes tried to show “favoritism toward us to hide his prior crimes.”
“I told him as I was leaving, this isn’t the last you’ll see of me. One day, we’re going to be either in a congressional hearing or a courtroom and I’m going to be at one table and you’re going to be at the other,” he said.
Lang, a former club promoter, said he had once led a “galivanting” life of sin in places like New York City, Miami, Beverly Hills and Paris. He said that during the COVID shutdown in New York City, he was “delivered” from his playboy life.
“God wrapped ahold of my heart and I was delivered from my shallow lifestyle,” Lang told American Greatness, adding that he was “born again” and baptized in the holy spirit one month before January 6, 2021.
With the zeal of a new convert, Lang said he went on to evangelize his fellow prisoners.
“I baptized over two dozen men while in prison, did bible studies every night at 9:00 pm for years in 17 different prisons,” he said.
Lang told American Greatness that he felt blessed to have been freed from both the spiritual and physical chains in his life.
“I’m like a double resurrected man,” he declared.
It is difficult to read these accounts, and so many others that have been posted over the years. God knows, many out here have assaulted heaven with prayers for these people, as well as donated to GiveSendGo, etc… It is also heartening to read that Jake Lang and others have such strong faith in God and have channeled their energy into helping other victims of the United States government. Lang is inspirational for his courage and perseverance.
Priorities should be to help these people rebuild their lives, then demand and get justice for them and their families. One thing is certain, none of the inmates were criminals, but their jailers are criminals, as well as sick and psychologically twisted vermin who need to spend the rest of their dysfunctional lives bankrupt. Start with H-a-y-e-s.