After four years of egregious foreign policy missteps, Joe Biden was awarded the Department of Defense’s “Distinguished Public Service Medal” during the DoD’s Commander in Chief Farewell Ceremony at Joint Base Myers-Henderson Hall in Fort Myer, Va., Thursday.
The Bidens and Kamala Harris attended the Department of Defense Commander in Chief Farewell Ceremony as part of their ongoing farewell tour.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who presided over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, placed the medal on the chest pocket of Biden’s suit jacket and presented him with a framed certificate.
A commendation was read before the medal was awarded.
“President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is recognized for distinguished public service as the 46th president of the United States. On January 2021 to January 2015. In the face of unparalleled national security challenges, American global leadership under Biden left both the United States and the Department of Defense far stronger and far better postured for the challenges of the 21st century,” a DoD official read. Video here.
Jill Biden received a Distinguished Public Service Medal, as well.
As American Greatness’ Victor Davis Hanson noted in his op-ed Thursday, Joe Biden’s tenure has been marked by one foreign policy disaster after another, from emboldening Iran and Hamas to the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, to the avoidable Ukraine War, to a more bellicose China, and to the open border that allowed 12.5 million illegals into the country.
As Hanson noted, the military is now approximately 40,000 recruits short due to the Biden regime’s draconian vaccination requirements and woke anti-racist policies that demonized white soldiers.
“Add it all up, and Biden would have done better to have just kept quiet and departed his failed presidency in shame,” Hanson wrote.
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