Having read his January 7th piece in American Greatness, “We Can Handle the Truth,” clearly Christopher Roach did a splendid job of employing a cinematic reference to tie together the U.S. and U.K. establishments’ mutual fear of telling their public the truth about terrorism and other criminal acts when the perpetrators are from a preferred intersectional group.
Specifically, Mr. Roach deftly stated the case how the refusal by the authorities and the corporate media in the United States to call the murders in New Orleans a terrorist attack constitutes a refusal akin to that exhibited by the United Kingdom regarding the Pakistani rape gangs. Per Mr. Roach:
There has been an even more aggressive media blackout in response to the horrifying rape gangs in the United Kingdom. For years, not only the media, but police, politicians, social workers, and other authorities downplayed the reality of these attacks, blamed victims, and did little to stop the rape of young, native British females by Pakistani immigrant gangs.
Regarding such obfuscations and denials by the two nations’ leftist elites, Mr. Roach noted the role allegedly played by their fear of being accused of “racism”: “[I]n the modern West, whether in the United States or the United Kingdom, authorities are more afraid of being accused of racism than stopping terrorism and child rape.”
To bolster this point, Mr. Roach cites British writer Tom Holland, a clear front-runner for the 2025 Walter Duranty Fake News Award:
The true nightmare of #Rotherham is that the motives of those who turned a blind eye, however monstrous the consequences, were indeed noble.
“It wasn’t the indifference that was noble, but the concern not to demonise a minority. Caring for the weak. The Christian thing . . . I think they genuinely didn’t want to give succour to racism against a minority—which was a noble principle.
Yet, as is so often the case in dealing with the left, reality dictates otherwise. The left has ignoble motives—ones rooted in preserving and imposing their power over others and over their own deluded sense of superiority.
As a rational matter, it is far more plausible to believe that the left is politically more concerned with keeping core minority voting blocs intact. Often, their paranoia and patronizing racism involve pushing policies that are detrimental to society, including minorities. Not surprisingly, such policies are unpopular to a great number of voters (such as the increasing number of Hispanic and other American minorities who oppose open borders, illegal immigration, and the politicians behind them).
Consequently, when a member(s) of one of the left’s core minority voting blocs commits a terrorist and/or other criminal act, the governing elite will downplay it, often by obfuscating the perpetrator and their motives and/or covering it with a cloak of muted statements—except, of course, when they are blaming victims and attacking those who demand a more honest and effective response.
Such despicable political tactics are aimed at insulating the governing elite’s solicitous, patronizing, and injurious policies purportedly offered to benefit said group from becoming publicly exposed, debated, and even more disfavored. For, if they are brought to light in the public square, it will doubtless cost them the votes and, ergo, elections. Thus, the governing elites do this not to protect the minority group from “racism.” The governing elites do this to protect themselves from voters. As Mr. Roach trenchantly avers: “This self-serving justification obscures that officials engaged in narrative control are often more concerned with avoiding embarrassment and accountability than any broader social goal.”
Still, for the leftist political elites in both countries, there exists an even more powerful irrational motive for twisting reality to suit their aims. The left must perpetuate their self-delusion of moral and intellectual superiority at all costs—including if it requires obfuscating and minimizing the protection of children who are being raped or pedestrians who are being run down. For the left, there seems to be no price too high to pay for their inflated self-esteem—especially when they’re not the ones paying the tab. Indeed, such evasion of accountability is the genesis of the leftist governing elites’ myth of the “noble lie,” one that has attempted to sanitize recent weaponized deceits ranging from rape gangs to Russia-gate, ad nauseam.
Ultimately, the left is not content with avoiding accountability for the consequences of their harmful policies and injurious ideological follies. They seek to be seen as the virtuous victims of those people demanding accountability. It is but a small step for them to take, considering how little regard the leftist governing elite in both nations have for the great mass of their populations.
Unconscionably, both nations’ leftist governing elites fear the response of their own populations more than the terrorist and/or criminal actors. By projecting its own paranoiac contempt upon the rest of society, the left is perpetuating its self-deceit of superiority by victim-blaming and shaming.
And that victim is you.
In turn, this raises the question above all else that the leftist governing elites fear answering honestly: “Do you believe an oppressed minority is justified in committing a violent act against the racist, misogynistic, imperialist, inequitable, oppressive majority?” If you think the question far outré, remember what is being asked of people who knowingly refused to employ every means at their disposal—starting with the full truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth—to stop children from being raped or people from being murdered.
After all, this is not what Mr. Holland offered but an irrational, ludicrous justification for an almost unimaginable ideological and moral failure, one along the lines that Walter Duranty scrawled when excusing Stalin’s crimes: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” The toxic imbecility is staggering, and the verdict is damning. As Mr. Roach concludes:
The leadership class has no respect for the West, its history, or its people. This is evidenced by their consistent desire to hide the truth and subject our most vulnerable citizens to horrific violence, lest we all “get the wrong idea.” They have forfeited their authority to rule because of their repeated refusal to treat us with candor and protect our most vulnerable citizens.
Contrary to their prejudices, we can handle the truth.
It is the leftist governing elites that cannot.
An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) served Michigan’s 11th Congressional District from 2003-2012, and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars and a Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Radio Show,” among sundry media appearances.
I wonder if it might be possible (it’s certainly justified) to simply remove every Democrat from office (dog catcher right up to Senator Schumer and everyone in between) and declare the party personae non gratae. And of course, those removed would be branded as monsters and ostracized for life (of course, societal disapprobation would be the absolute mildest form of censure as more permanent, less dainty means of dispatch might be suitably employed ).
I say this without an ounce of sarcasm or levity–I believe Voltaire had it right when he said the best kind of government is “a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.”
I don’t think this whole representative form of government thingy is working out too well. Examples: California’s wildfires; the 2020 stolen election; rape gangs in the UK, the abomination of the European Union and its despotic rule; the abetment of Muslim terrorism both in Europe and the US, etc., etc., etc.
Sorry, Max, I can’t go quite that far with you but I do think that, as long as public aid is allowed to be a life-style choice, the feds control education and immigration is uncontrolled, we will continue to see these issues plague us. And, unfortunately, it isn’t just the Dems to blame for any of it.
It’s all about public aid. The purpose of the American Federal Government is to protect the people from itself (put chains around itself) and by that I mean to permit people to go forth and do what they need for themselves without jeopardizing other people or getting in the way of their pursuit of happiness. It has no obligation to do benevolent things lest it create its own voters. The states could do what they wanted until after the Civil War. That is when they were forced to accept the Bill of Rights.
Candidates, Socialists (Democrats and RINOs), when they campaign, on compassion, are really looking to get control of power and money. Notice that when they are elected that they make more of what they campaign on by expanding the dole, putting more people on it and even importing the indigent. Ask a Democrat what part of the Constitution’s legislative enumerative powers they get such legislative ability from? Some might quote the preamble. That does not cut it and there are many pages of writings which make that clear. Our Constitution is not about promoting a welfare state, dependent upon the government for our prosperity. Key to its function is protection of the individual from the government itself.
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.” Albert Camus
“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” James Madison
Nothing gets me me more irate than to listen to self serving politicians, exuding copious quantities of virtue regarding compassion, when you know they are just like the Scribes and Pharisees in the temple who glitter on the outside but are full of dead men’s bones on the inside. They are not even legions in their own minds. They know the truth about themselves but hope you will not discover and announce it.
You don’t have to do that but maybe for only just one time and still it will not be enough. As long as the anti-Constitutional structures remain in place the scaffolding will allow similar people to do the same things. None of the agencies with guns should be in the Executive branch nor should they have legislative powers. The 16th Amendment created the “E” in DEI. Did we need a Federal Department of Education empowered by public service unions? Non-Constitutional idiots created what we allowed to be done to ourselves and in our ignorance we sat back, watched and applauded.