The Biden regime has quietly revoked the veterans hiring preference for civil service jobs and promotions, which since the 1944 Veterans Act gave eligible veterans preference over others for appointments in federal civil service selection, a memorandum obtained by American Greatness shows.
The goal of the veterans’ preference law was to “provide a uniform method by which qualified veterans [could] receive special consideration for federal employment,” according to
By law, veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-veterans both in hiring from competitive lists and in retention during reductions in force.
New guidelines from the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (DCPAS) now stipulate that “veterans’ preference should be considered on an equal basis as other qualified candidates.”
The week before Thanksgiving, DCPAS Director, Daniel Hester sent civilian personnel the memo in an email detailing an “Extension and Amendment of the Government-wide Direct Hire Appointing Authority for Scientific, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics Positions, Acquisitions, and Cybersecurity and Related Positions.”
“The purpose of this e-Advisory is to provide the widest dissemination on the Extension and Amendment of Government-wide Direct Hire Appointing Authority for STEM, Acquisitions, and Cybersecurity Positions,” the memo states.
Direct Hire Authority (DHA) is an appointing authority that allows federal agencies to expedite the hiring process for positions where there is a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has extended and amended the Government-wide Direct Hire Authority (DHA) for critical STEM, acquisitions, and cybersecurity roles, allowing expedited hiring for positions with severe candidate shortages. This authority supports the Department of the Air Force’s (DAF) goal to attract top talent to key mission-critical roles. OPM has identified STEM, acquisitions, and cybersecurity roles as critical hiring needs, warranting the extension of direct hiring authorities to streamline recruitment and reduce hiring timelines. New amendments to the DHA also expand coverage to include criminal investigation and data science positions at specific grade levels. This hiring flexibility enables federal agencies to bypass standard competitive procedures to fill positions urgently needed for federal operations.
The memorandum states that under the updated authorities, “individuals may be appointed to competitive service career, career-conditional, term, or temporary position, without
applying veterans’ preference and competitive rating and ranking procedures at the grade levels.”
A source from the U.S. Air Force told American Greatness: “This is government-wide hiring ramped up like never before seen. They are literally packing the federal workforce with as many loyalists and subversives as they can. Worst of all, they think it is their duty to do so.”
He added: “Since DEI is getting pettifogged rather harshly (and rightly so) this is yet another way they can worm into the bureaucracy—at the expense of veterans.”
The source told American Greatness that “veterans are being cast aside for this new workforce (wokeforce).”
Tab 2_DCPAS Hiring Authorities Matrix -Updated October 2024
It would seem - to me - from reading this that what Biden took away with his vile stroke of his pen - can be just as easily restored after January 20th. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Your not wrong; however, it looks like another boobytrap is being placed for the Trump/Vance ( I love the sound of that!) administration.
The Swamp is hoping to outlast Trump’s term in office by tying up any Civil Service RIFs (Reduction in Force) in endless litigation and lawfare. Hopefully, such litigation gets fast-tracked and killed by SCOTUS. But who knows what the high court will do, or how long it will take for such litigation to reach them.
Accurate observations and considerations but - nothing worth having is easy and?
Keep in mind this is the very first time the evil of the LEFT has been truly challenged with by an enemy that is prepared to and wants to destroy them - if I may be so bold as to say the quiet part out loud.
The most powerful state of mind that you and I, Messeur Maximum-Cassius, can bring into being is called battle mode.
That deadly, show no mercy, leave no lies - nor enemy power - standing state where one finally - only out of necessitate and total lack of compromise or honest intentions of the other side - where one decides that?
Failure is not an option and we are now in a do or die situtation and no other consdsiderations - not thinking about one’s wife or children, home and job - anything is allowed to intrude because if you do allow distraction, allow your focus to be diverted - even for a second?
It is at that moment the snipers efforts likely will be rewarded and you won’t see the telltale glint reflected off his scope that would have warned you - would have saved you and?
Enabled you to return to all that you hold near and dear and who hold you with the same love and regard.
No, we are not in a “let’s play nicely” mode anymore. The LEFT - the communist party in America that has been working and living in plain sight for over 100 years has revealed itself in all its monstrosity; shown us its true intentions.
By the time Trump is finished - then J. D. Vance will be in place to pick up the mantle - and do not think for a second that the plans to affect that effect are not alreay being laid and will be more powerful than even this last elections efforts.
The people who are working with us, for us now - are serious people - not the lame, line their pockets types who play along to get along - like the French Vichy who sold out the Jews to the Germans - types.
The battle is now truly beginning, and we are going to win - believe it or not.