‘I’m Done!’ Hugh Hewitt Quits Washington Post; Storms Out of Room During Live WaPo Broadcast Over Bias

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt wrecked the Washington Post’s live online show “First Look,” Friday, storming out of the room and quitting in disgust after the host’s anti-Trump bias got too much for him.

Hewitt, who has written hundreds of columns for the Post since since 2017, told Fox News Digital: “I have in fact quit the Post but I was only writing a column for them every six weeks or so.”

The show’s host, WaPo associate editor Jonathan Capehart, incited Hewitt’s ire after he asked fellow liberal WaPo journalist Ruth Marcus if she thought former President Trump was “laying the groundwork” to contest the upcoming election by baselessly “complaining that ‘cheating’ was taking place in Pennsylvania by suing Buck’s County irregularities.”

Capehart accused Trump of continually asserting that “if he loses, it’s because of cheating.”

“Uh, yeah,” Marcus responded. “He has been laying the groundwork, not just in the past week, but in the past umpty-ump month. No election can be fair in Donald Trump’s mind unless Donald Trump wins it,” she added. “I think we are going to see him both rev up his supporters to contest elections,” Marcus said, adding that Trump would continue to make “far-fetched” arguments in courtrooms across America.

Hewitt pointed out that as “news people” they should try actually reporting the full story.

“Bucks County was reversed by the courts and instructed to open up extra days because they violated the law and told people to go home,” Hewitt said, adding that the lawsuit was brought by the Republican National Committee, not Trump, and “it was successful.”

There has been heavy “on demand voting” in sharply divided Bucks County, and earlier this week, people were improperly turned away and told to go home while standing in line. Bucks County voters were reportedly given until Friday to complete the on-demand voting process following the lawsuit. The original deadline was 5:00 p.pm. Tuesday.

Hewitt also pointed out that the Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin against the Biden Regime’s attempt to keep noncitizens on the voter rolls.

“We are news people even though we have opinions and we have to bring up the whole story if we bring up part of the story,” he continued. “So yes, he [Trump] was upset about Buck’s County and he was right because he won in court. That’s the story.”

Capehart and Marcus sat in stunned silence for over five seconds, before Marcus said, “I’ll let you keep going Jonathan.”

At an apparent loss for words, Capehart stammered, “No, I’m just—I don’t appreciate being lectured about reporting when many times you come here saying lots of things that aren’t basic facts,” he said.

Before he was able to finish, Hewitt interrupted, saying, “I won’t come back Jonathan!”

Pulling off his earphone, he added: “I’m done. This is the most unfair election ad I have ever been a part of!” He added: “You guys are working, that’s fine. I’m done.”

WaPo associate editor Jonathan Capehart tried to take it in stride, going on to ask Marcus about an inane column she wrote about how “democracy” and “decency” are at stake in the upcoming election.

“So Ruth, you wrote a column this week ending with this line, and actually I think this is perfect: ‘You want to know the stakes in this election? Not only democracy, but decency.'”

Capehart asked Marcus to “talk more about that,” but she was still trying to recover from Hewitt’s tantrum.

“Okay, um, collecting myself,” she replied nervously, just before her screen froze.

A few moments later, Capehart said Marcus was back, but her screen was now off.

Now, alone, Capehart said that Hewitt’s departure from the show was “lamentable” and “unfortunate” and “it is what it is,” and ended the show early.

The “lamentable” and “unfortunate” moment for the Washington Post came on the same day the Trump-Vance Campaign filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against the paper for “illegal in-kind contributions to Harris for President.”

“According to reports, the Post is using its advertising powers to promote pro-Kamala and anti-Trump coverage to voters in the final days of the election,” the campaign said in a press release. “While they declined to endorse her publicly, they have endorsed her in the dark; so much for ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness.'”

Team Trump added: “The mainstream media has become nothing more than pro-Kamala propaganda. The Democrat machine must be held accountable.”


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About Debra Heine

Debra Heine is a conservative Catholic mom of six and longtime political pundit. She has written for several conservative news websites over the years, including Breitbart and PJ Media.

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