Yes, you read that correctly. A Biden-appointed federal judge has given more than 1,600 self-identified non-citizens voting rights after they were legally removed with a Virginia law passed in 2006 and signed by then-Democrat Governor, now Senator Tim Kaine. This illustrates just how much Democrat orthodoxy has moved in less than a decade. The judge’s action was precipitated by an injunction request by the Biden administration’s Justice Department that claimed that the voter registrations were wrongly canceled.
The law, as explained by current Governor Glenn Youngkin, “mandates certain procedures to remove non-citizens from voter rolls, with safeguards in place to affirm citizenship before removal…the ultimate fail-safe of same-day registration for U.S. citizens. This law has been applied in every presidential election by Republicans and Democrats since enacted 18 years ago.”
Youngkin went on to say, “Almost all of these individuals had previously presented immigration documents confirming their non-citizen status, a fact verified by federal authorities.” Thomas Sanford, an attorney with the Virginia attorney general’s office, told the judge at the conclusion of Friday’s hearing that the state intends to appeal her ruling. But with the election only a week away, can a legal response succeed in time? (On Monday, Virginia appealed to SCOTUS to reinstate the ban on non-citizens voting.)
There is a particular irony in this judge’s ruling. U.S. District Judge Patricia Tolliver Giles granted the DOJ and the civic groups—including The Virginia Coalition For Immigrant Rights, The League of Women Voters of Virginia, The League of Women Voters of Virginia Education Fund, and African Communities Together (all left-leaning, progressive organizations)—their request for a preliminary injunction to pause the program until after Election Day because it fell within a 90-day “quiet period” preceding an election. Did that stop Special Prosecutor Jack Smith from refiling his politically motivated charges against Trump? Of course not.
The federal government confirmed that these were non-citizens, yet sued Virginia anyway to award them voting rights in the upcoming presidential election. While Youngkin insisted that Virginia “will immediately petition for Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and, if necessary, the U.S. Supreme Court, for an emergency stay of the injunction,” it is now crystal clear that Democrats will do anything to retain power, including this shameless maneuver to order Virginia to violate their own state law and restore non-citizens to its voter rolls.
This desperate attempt by Democrats comes right after two decidedly left-wing newspapers—The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post—chose not to endorse a presidential candidate for the first time in decades. In both cases, this sparked an editorial revolt at both papers. An endorsement for Kamala Harris was an entitlement both Harris and newsroom staffers felt she deserved.
This comes on top of a non-endorsement by the National Teamster’s Union, whose membership is supporting Donald Trump by a 58-31% margin, according to a recent phone poll conducted by the union. Additionally, with historical support from Hispanics and Blacks clearly fading, Democrats sense that they are not going to win if the election is fairly run.
Not endorsing Harris was almost as good as an endorsement for Trump. Again, it caused the heads of Democrat operatives and their media handmaidens to explode.
For Democrats, the time has now come to manufacture votes in probably the most outlandish manner: award voting rights to as many non-citizens as possible right before Election Day to prevent any challenge from having the time necessary to work through the legal system.
It is election-rigging in plain sight. Are we surprised at the audacity of this? Not really.
You must see the intentional importation of upwards of ten million illegal migrants over the past four years for what it is: the creation of new Democrat voters and the permanent hold Democrats will have on their power. They will win every election by taking American citizens with genuine concerns over the economy, crime, and quality of life and replacing them with peasants and criminals from around the world who will be completely dependent on taxpayer-supported welfare in exchange for their voting patterns. And they will certainly not vote to have their welfare and living subsidies removed.
This grand scheme to boost Democrat odds of winning by allowing for border invaders is even more insidious when you consider that the invaders don’t even have to vote to impact the balance of power in the U.S. Back in 2021, “Open Borders” Biden signed an Executive Order requiring the Census Bureau to include all residents in its population calculations—even those who aren’t citizens. Seats for the House of Representatives, and thus votes in the Electoral College, are now determined on the combined total of legal citizens and those who are not supposed to be here.
And where do many of these illegal transplants now reside after being given pre-paid smartphones and SNAP food stamp benefits? While some reside in traditional blue Democrat strongholds like California, Illinois, and New York (in New York City, many believe that the recent corruption charges brought against Democrat Mayor Eric Adams were a direct result of him complaining too loudly about the impact that illegal immigrants have imposed on his city as it has to pay $400 a night in luxury hotels to house and to feed uninvited guest), disproportionate numbers were dropped into key swing states in a blatant attempt to potentially tilt elections in those states.
The inclusion of non-citizens in the census count for purposes of apportionment is outrageous, but completely on brand with Democrats. The Electoral College determines the President of the United States, and the estimated 30 million illegals living in America represent about 22 extra congressional seats. With many elections decided by a less than a five percent margin, rigging the election is made much easier for Democrats by populating swing state districts with thousands of illegals who, by the nature of their very existence, can shift influence in Congress in favor of Democrats forever.
In the election right now, split 50/50 in so many races, can these illegal voters tilt a critical state? Most certainly they can. And if this is happening in Virginia, a state that is on the cusp of being a swing state, what about other critical states like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada? Between them, they account for more than 90 Electoral College votes.
The notion that election fraud is “not significant enough to change election results” is an outright lie. In 2020, Biden won the Electoral College in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin by a mere 43,809 votes, and if those 37 Electoral College votes had gone the other way, the presidential race would have been tied at 270. There were certainly more than 15,000 fraudulent votes in each of those states, as has been proven beyond doubt but will never be litigated in court.
When elections are close, voter fraud becomes the key to victory for Democrats. The inclusion of illegal migrants into our voter rolls is now right alongside the prevention of voter identification, mail-in ballots printed by the millions, post-election day voting, and legalized ballot harvesting.
Bolstering the integrity of our elections does not make it harder to vote. It makes it harder to cheat. Our Democrat-run government is intentionally rigging elections by weakening their integrity at every opportunity. Using our tax dollars to bribe illegal migrants to enter our country and participate in our elections is as outrageous an affront to our citizenship privileges as it gets.
Richard Truesdell is a former consumer electronics retail executive and automotive travel photojournalist. In the last 25 years, he has visited more than 35 countries on six continents. A former high school history teacher with a BA in Political Science from Waynesburg University, he is a lifelong Conservative moderate who has turned his thoughts and keyboard to political commentary and popular culture. A cross-section of his writings can be found here.
Keith Lehmann is a retired consumer electronics industry executive who has written extensively on technology, transportation, and international travel. Living in Southern California for over fifty years, he has first-hand exposure to societal and cultural happenings of the left and submits decidedly realism-based, Conservative viewpoints, much of which can be found on his Substack.
At what point do Americans begin to question the legitimacy of not just elections, but of the Democrat Party itself? It represents everything that is vile, destructive, unjust and downright rotten. Can any reasonable person argue that Democrat support for life-changing surgeries and drugs given to minors who are not and never were considered legally competent, sane? It isn’t their voters I want to win over. I want that political party banned from every ballot. That ban is only 160 years too late.
Dismantling the Democrat Party would be the only sane response to its existence and the cancer it has spread since the Civil War. It doesn’t just promote evil. It IS evil.
I don’t know that you can constitutionally ban a political party but I think that there are some things that could be done, or done more often, to break up their power. In those places where judges are subject to public retention votes, more attention needs to be focused activist judges. Lawfare has been used by Leftist to get policy enacted for which they don’t have sufficient support to legislate; it’s beyond time they are on the receiving end of the same tactics. I think a parallel organization for legal professionals who are constitutionalists and/or conservatives might help dilute the influence of the ABA. There are a couple of tentative ideas bouncing around in the back of my mind but I need to get ready for work
I don’t know that you can constitutionally ban a political party but I think that there are some things that could be done, or done more often, to break up their power.
I think a creative use of RICO criminal charges would be a good starting point. Then follow that up with enough civil lawsuits to bankrupt most Dems on an individual basis, and seriously imperil the finances of leftist NGOs and organizations–even the wealthiest.
Dear Alecto, you’re singing my song! So vile and evil is the Democrat party, that as was done in Germany with de-Nazification, we must de-Democrat this country–right down to the local dog catcher.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just reverse this decision? I’m in the Old Dominion, so this impacts me quite closely–not that the bureaucrat drones and the botoxed, siliconed wine moms in NoVa will allow this formerly glorious state to go Trump…