Two Types of Isolationism – Reject Them Both

“Isolationism,” as it is most commonly understood, calls for America to fortify its southern border and count on the geographically isolated North American continent to provide a measure of security from other nations that is unimaginable in turbulent Eurasia. Let them fight among themselves. With vast oceans separating us from far-flung conflicts, we will stay out of foreign wars.

That might have been an option a century ago. It won’t work today.

Unlike previous eras, we now confront technologies that can make anywhere on earth the front line in a conflict. Hypersonic missiles, space-based lasers, genetically engineered pathogens, nanotech, drones, robots—you get the idea. Add to that the unavoidable fact that if we abandon our global commitments, others will take our place. And if they do, we will not have guaranteed access to the raw materials and manufactured goods that, unfortunately, we are utterly dependent on. While we urgently need to revive our own mining and manufacturing, that restoration will not happen overnight.

It’s easy to condemn an anti-isolationist perspective as neocon warmongering, and in some ways that criticism is valid. There are plenty of examples of how America has intervened in nations and conflicts between nations where we didn’t make anything better, not for ourselves or for the people we were allegedly trying to help. And to be fair, there are also examples where it is lucky for everyone that we did get involved. The point, however, isn’t to pick and choose which conflicts America should have avoided or not, only to acknowledge that even if we were to exercise more restraint overseas, we still need to retain a strategic advantage. If we don’t maintain a technologically superior military with global reach, someone else will.

Everybody with a sense of history and an appreciation for the enduring power of tribalism understands this imperative. America needs to be more judicious about where and how it intervenes overseas, but America can’t walk away from the world.

But there is another kind of isolationism that, if anything, constitutes more of a threat to the American way of life. It can be defined as a wish to focus so exclusively on protecting American traditions, prosperity, and freedom, that there is no room to make common cause with like-minded Europeans who face precisely the same threats in their own nations.

These threats are internal to each nation, but the perpetrators of these threats share common goals. They intend to transform nations into economic units with no national identity, dramatically reduce the average standard of living, and further concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a small elite. In every Western democracy, they are using overwrought moral justifications of fighting climate change and racism to con a majority of voters into supporting the ruling parties who are implementing this plan.

It’s unusual to need such a nuanced response to such a profound threat, but here goes: Western nations, led by the United States, cannot survive if they turn inward and become isolationists. But on the other hand, the agenda that Western nations are currently attempting to perpetrate on the entire world must change. The future that America’s ruling class has in store for us, along with everyone else in the world, is one of tyranny and poverty. Their goal of “net zero” is a misanthropic, manipulative ruse. It is inherently oppressive.

In pursuit of “net zero,” they are shutting down our reliable sources of energy and destroying our farms and livestock. They are deliberately engineering scarcity of everything: land, energy, water, food, and housing. They are making life unaffordable, and in an irony of stupefying duplicity, they are marketing socialist idealism to gullible youth who have already given up hope of ever owning anything, anyway, at the same time as they snarf up distressed assets and rent them back to us.

To further their goal of erasing the cultural unity that might give rise to genuine, landslide-worthy democratic opposition, they are flooding Western nations with immigrants. In America’s case, unlike previous waves of immigration, these immigrants arrive in a welfare state, remain intimately connected to their cultures of origin thanks to the internet, and are trained in our public schools to despise and resent those of us already here as privileged bigots. Similar dynamics apply in Europe. And so here and over there, millions of these immigrants are coalescing into militant political blocs with power sufficient to intimidate politicians, judges, and police to ignore their crimes and rationalize their actions and ultimate goals as mostly peaceful.

Meanwhile, we are divided over how to handle this. Shall we object and be branded as bigots? Shall we retain our naivete, hoping things will work out, and do nothing? Or shall we, as happens all too often, believe the curated lies we are being fed and fervently support everything that’s marketed as green and diverse?

And so we fight among ourselves.

This process of national erasure is happening at breathtaking speed in Ireland, England, Scotland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain, and Greece. In less than one generation, we have seen these nations transformed from having a mostly indigenous population to a situation today where those natives are within a couple of decades of becoming minorities in their own nations. And not one honest word on this from the establishment media.

To recognize that all this is really happening—demographic replacement combined with economic repression in the name of fighting climate change—is to recognize virtually every approved mainstream institution as an instrument of propaganda. From kindergarten classrooms to corporate ad campaigns to online/offline media, it is unrelenting. The climate crisis. The threat from the “far right.” The danger of “misinformation.” The perpetual celebration of lifestyles and ideologies that suppress birthrates, including abortion, feminism, gay/lesbian, and trans. The demonization or at least ridicule of traditional values and stereotypes—Christians, men, masculinity, and white people are now, respectively, exclusionary, oppressive, toxic, and privileged.

This second form of isolationism, then, would have us be indifferent to the fact that a unified, globalist oligarchy is imposing this fate on every Western nation. For Americans to fail to make common cause with the people resisting a much more advanced onslaught in Europe is to risk watching tyranny descend on these nations one by one. Every time that happens, our hope to successfully resist here at home is diminished.

When we fight to save America’s freedom and prosperity, our chances of success are enhanced if we coordinate our fight with our counterparts in other countries who are fighting the same process, orchestrated by the same enemy.

Our battle is not nationalist or “far right,” nor is it ethnocentric. Millions of thoroughly assimilated immigrants are ready to fight with us and we should welcome them. Our movement is Eurocentric. We are fighting for the European traditions and values that define us and sustain us, and we refuse to allow our national identities to be erased. By making the distinction between ethnocentric and Eurocentric, we attract powerful allies whose ethnic origins are non-European while also demolishing accusations of racism.

There is a synergy to be gained if we reject both forms of isolationism. By joining forces with our friends in other Western nations to successfully save our finest European traditions, we then show the rest of the world genuine examples of freedom and prosperity that they’ll want to align with, instead of net zero tyranny.


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About Edward Ring

Edward Ring is a senior fellow of the Center for American Greatness. He is also the director of water and energy policy for the California Policy Center, which he co-founded in 2013 and served as its first president. Ring is the author of Fixing California: Abundance, Pragmatism, Optimism (2021) and The Abundance Choice: Our Fight for More Water in California (2022).

Photo: United States american usa us flag on flagpole textile cloth fabric waving on the top sunrise mist fog

Notable Replies

  1. Ultra-isolationism isn’t something the US is going to take up some morning. It’s just as true that everyone now understands that giving one of the world’s worst regimes access to the US market hasn’t done much to modify its behavior. It, and others of similar mindset, would prefer to live in the twenty-first century rather than the pre-industrial era. But they might not know where the road to their ruination begins. So, isolationism isn’t an option. No need to sweat that.

    Your other point is more valid: Western nations’ internal enemies have been having a field day for years. The Democrat Party became part of the problem when it threw in with Obama’s Transformationism Cult. But Democrats aren’t as incompetent as they have made themselves out to be. They do have an Achilles’ Heel problem though. They believe that no matter how far they go, it will not touch off a secession of red states. If the last eight years haven’t, why would anyone believe four more will? Do they know they would lose a conflict that might result from that in short order and that the military would not be on their side? Probably not. The greater danger is that some of the world’s evil regimes might use that disruption to make their move. Which is why this election is so important.

  2. Honestly, can they be blamed for believing nothing will stop them, or that nothing they do will precipitate a secession or, dare I say it, a Civil War? I often wonder is there is a point where We the People will stop, turn around, and collectively say, “Enough! No more!”

    And of course with that declaration, a collective response that firmly and successfully reinforces our demand.

  3. Avatar for Alecto Alecto says:

    At some point, our enemies will isolate us, not the other way around. Once they have pillaged enough from us, stolen all of our intellectual property, agricultural assets, filled us with all of their criminals, mental defects and impoverished, illiterate cast-offs, etc…, and have succeeded in getting us to bankrupt ourselves ($2.3 trillion in Afghanistan, and as much as $3 trillion on Iraq). This nonsense that we cannot survive by isolating ourselves from the rest of the world in any sense, contradicts the Founders sage advice, and has served as the basis for every useless, endless war in which we have expended precious blood of our sons and daughters, and our treasure, which is nonexistent as we are $35 trillion in debt, and there is nothing but upside on that number. We have been “joining forces with Western nations…” for decades with no result but more debt and less freedom at home. What is NATO but an attempt to join with said “Western nations”, largely at our expense and to our detriment here? The only thing propping up the U.S. at this point is the petrodollar, and that won’t be around much longer.

    Who, exactly, are these, “Millions of thoroughly assimilated immigrants” Who? I see none of these people energized to fight to preserve European values and traditions. I see them energized to preserve their own. I am not excited at the prospect of preserving many of those “values and traditions” as they consist mostly of sentimentality over lost monarchy and a history and traditions that flout the very principles of the Enlightenment on which the United States is founded, principles which served as the basis for early colonists coming to this land. Americans want to escape Europe’s self-inflicted wounds, not bind them and pay the hospital bills!

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