The new American Greatness/TIPP poll shows an exact tie in Wisconsin, with Trump and Harris both at 47% in a head-to-head matchup among likely voters, with 3% undecided and 3% stating a preference for “others.”
When multiple candidates are named, among likely voters, with leaners, the split is 46% for Harris, 45% for Trump, 6% for Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and 2 undecided.
This poll was conducted by TIPP and surveyed 1,015 registered voters in Wisconsin, with 976 of those reporting as likely voters. The poll was conducted August 12-14 and the margin of error is +/- 3.4%.
19% of voters said they have not yet decided firmly and are willing to change their minds between Trump or Harris. When asked who their neighbors are voting for, Wisconsinites said Trump by a +9% margin, 44-35%, with 21% unsure.
On the issues, the economy is far and away the top concern for voters, with 52% placing it in their top three issues. Next was immigration/border issues with 36%.
By a large 60-33% margin, Wisconsin voters say they were better off 4 years ago when Trump was in office.
Within the economy, when asked to identify the top three issues, broad inflation was the most selected at 56%, with food prices next at 47%.
When asked whether they prefer Trump or Harris to manage the border, the 45th president prevails 55-37%. Related to immigration, a 12-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin and an illegal migrant from Nicaragua is now charged with the crime. 57% of Wisconsin voters blame Kamala Harris for that crime, “entirely, a lot, or some.” 63% of voters support building/finishing Trump’s border wall.
Turning to social issues, 69% of Wisconsin voters oppose allowing minors under 18 to be transitioned/sex changed through surgery or pharmaceuticals. 9% strongly support allowing minors to transition, while 56% strongly oppose it.
About The Survey
TechnoMetrica conducted the American Greatness/TIPP survey from August 12 to August 14. The online study included a sample of 1,015 registered voters in Wisconsin provided by our panel partners. Using our likely voter model, we identified 976 respondents as likely voters in the November election. After the survey’s completion, TechnoMetrica weighted the dataset by gender, age, race, education, geographical region, and party affiliation to reflect known benchmarks. The weighted registered voter sample composition is 33% Democrats, 36% Republicans, and 31% independents. The survey’s credibility interval (CI) is ±3.4 percentage points, meaning the study is accurate within this range 19 times out of 20 if all registered voters in Wisconsin had been surveyed. Due to smaller sample sizes, subgroups based on gender, age, ethnicity, and region have higher credibility intervals.
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