The assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13 flipped a switch in many Never Trumpers. The realization of the evil we face in America hit many of them hard. This leads us to a wider discussion of the enemies we know have infiltrated our institutions and set policies and actions in motion that run counter to our civil society.
America faces an inflection point. Our nation has come to realize the massive frauds perpetrated on us since at least 2020, frauds that had their seeds planted decades ago by the enemies of America. Frauds that include faked science, corrupted public health institutions, phony campaigns against “misinformation,” false accusations and prosecutions of political enemies, unfounded claims of systemic racism, and erosion of our trust in elections—and many of our other societal institutions.
Victor Davis Hanson recently asked, “After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to butt out of our elections? Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysterias about a supposed Nazi-like takeover? Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks, and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors? Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president?”
In asking these questions, Hanson illuminates the problems we’ve created by allowing an out-of-control federal government to grow beyond anything the Founders would recognize. The government has not merely become bloated, inefficient, and profligate with its wasteful spending. The enormity of the problem has subsequently created conditions in which corruption runs rampant, and the enemies of liberty roam free.
Those enemies may come from places like Tehran, Doha, Pyongyang, or Beijing—or they may come from San Francisco, Queens, Cambridge, or Dearborn. We have seen a long parade of whistleblowers publicly revealing the rot at the Secret Service, tasked with protecting current and former officeholders; at the FBI and CIA, in their phony pursuit of Trump supporters veiled as a hunt for “domestic terrorists;” and all the way into cabinet departments, like this letter from Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) in May 2024 alleging that John Kerry, while Secretary of State, blocked the arrest of Iranian terrorists in America because it might jeopardize the Iran nuclear deal.
That’s just the Iranian influence. The Biden administration—and the Obama administration before it—have all turned a blind eye to infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Look no further than the spies who got close to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and the late Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA). Lawrence Sellin points it out plainly: “America has a massive pro-Chinese Communist Party Fifth Column problem.”
The international communist influence came to America’s shores over a century ago. It has had far more influence than most Americans realize. Critical race theory—CRT—has grabbed the headlines in recent years, but the critical theory that undergirds it has its origins in the Frankfurt School. J. Michael Waller writes about this influence in his eye-opening new book, Big Intel, in which he reveals how Marxian thinkers occupied many positions of leadership in the CIA and its predecessor organizations. Scholars from the Kremlin-supported Frankfurt School—formally known as the Institute for Social Research—came to America and set out to take over our institutions after World War II.
We’ve seen deeper levels of infiltration in the decades since.
Donald Trump is not a perfect vessel for implementing conservative policy. In fact, his original campaign in 2015 and 2016 may have started as a vanity project. He quickly came to realize, however, a couple of things, especially as voters responded to his outsider’s view of the campaign. One, he found the enormity of federal bureaucratic inefficiency and waste offensive to his business instincts. He’d dealt with that for decades from the outside, as a real estate investor, but seeing it from the inside gave him unparalleled perspective on the problem. And two, he found that anyone who wanted to upset the way the Swamp conducts business would be set upon by forces heretofore unseen in American culture.
The very presence of Donald Trump as a sort of foreign body in the bloodstream of the inside-the-beltway crowd caused an autoimmune response to protect the monopolistic and monolithic bureaucracies. In doing so, Trump revealed the rot in the system for all to see.
One thing has become clear since 2015: If we don’t defeat the enemies of our culture that have made their long march through our institutions, perpetrating a deliberate Color War akin to that ignited in China by Mao Tse Tung, we’ll never get to a point where we can implement sound policy.
We must make as many public examples of the Marxist, Islamist, and anarchist infiltrators of our government and our institutions as possible. Not simply for their beliefs, of course, but because they have declared us the enemy and have set about undermining everything that holds our nation together. They’ve brought along an alarming number of Americans into the anti-American and anti-West movement.
If we can uncover and prosecute America’s foes, we may be able to slow the cancer enough to excise it. So, while Donald Trump is not the perfect vessel for implementing conservative policy, he must rise to the occasion in a second term and dedicate his entire administration to investigating and prosecuting those who would do our nation harm.
It’s a huge task, and it will be divisive at first, but our nation cries out for it. We cannot go on like this, tolerating deliberate societal suicide. Eventually, conducting these investigations will have the effect of bringing about a renewed sense of patriotism and shared values. We might consider it a new Cold War.
Defeat the enemies first. That’s our only current priority. After that, we can rebuild our society with sound public policy—proposed, implemented, and carried out by men and women of backbone, character, and good morals.
Remember those?
Jeff Reynolds is a senior investigative researcher for Restoration News
Excellent article, however there is one sentence that, though accurate and quite necessary, is just not Constitutionally possible:
“We must make as many public examples of the Marxist, Islamist, and anarchist infiltrators of our government and our institutions as possible.”
The kinds of examples that would force a course correction and defeat our domestic enemies is simply not doable in our current system. For instance, mass hangings (after very brief prosecutions and sentences) combined with wholesale, industrial-scale civil forfeitures (think of it as a kind of RICO on steroids–and Meth) which bankrupted and impoverished tens of thousands of leftists, fellow-travelers and Deep State orcs, and decimated the organizations they worked with and for.
Under our current system, such punishment would be deferred, appealed, delayed and ultimately pardoned by a sympathetic, deeply corrupt court system to such a degree that it would barely constitute a slap on the wrist. Only when consequences are disproportionately severe enough to smother Marxist influence throughout our institutions, will we begin to see genuine change.
Sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Constitutional conservatives, meaning Constitutionalists, have realized America has been in a domestic war for a very long time… since inception of our ratified Constitution. The combatants get away with it because both sides have as much understanding of their Constitution as college student Hamas supporters have about the river and the sea they continually protest about. The people who run America have very low Constitutional IQs and some of the very ones who don’t either don’t care about governing documents or prefer Marx and Islam over those documents. None of them should be in positions of power. Furthermore the very positions of power should never have been created.
Donald Trump is in a process of a personal remaking. Too bad he is not younger but at least he is smart and savvy enough to grasp what this article is about. He is also very much aware of the coming pushback which will implement every manner of unlawfulness by the people in bureaucracies and agencies who are determined to stop him from making America America again as originally founded. He has survived an assassination attempt but the future puts him a prime position for Bill O’Reilly to write another novel titled “Killing Trump”.
If Donald Trump were to be totally successful in removing the enemy within, the same enemy, like a Sphinx, would eventually rise up again, based on the biology of mankind, unless the very origins and means are prevented as Constitutionally prescribed. The Founders understood this well and fashioned a Republican form of government with that in mind. The Chevron Case is but one example; it addressed the origins of the very problem whose solution was long overdo. It was about drift from original intentions.
Constitutional enemies (same as America’s enemies) love expanding Federal power. What Republicans and Conservatives never seem to grasp is that the fundamental purpose of the American Constitution was to limit the growth of what has now become a bureaucratic and agency regulatory leviathan and worst of all is that it centralizes all power. These power structures represent governments and cultures with the primary government and they themselves are unmoored from regulation. America’s Constitution was designed to protect the States and citizens from itself. That idea is now totally lost. It has, in fact, become the very problem that authored a revolution for independence from Britain. George III, of 1776, would be a benevolent conservative king compared to today’s American government.
I often marvel at the attempt by environmentalists to rip out dams and reopen parts of the Everglades so as to restore natural flow. In some cases they are right but those same environmentalists could never imagine that their solutions are exactly how the politburo bureaucratic state also needs to be treated. Wall Street conservatives love open borders to provide cheap labor. They also despise the regulatory government environment that bureaucracies impose. Quite possibly a Constitutional minded Donald Trump could deregulate by decimating whole departments, agencies and bureaus. They are as unnecessary as they are unconstitutional. The very process would put many on unemployment lists despite their bureaucratic protection schemes that attempt to give them everlasting life. It would also simultaneously increase the available labor pool Wall Street would love to expand.
America’s current government leaders will do their best to stop Donald Trump using any unlawful and unconstitutional means they can get away with and will be helped and aided by outside governments such as the CCP, Iran, International cartels and far better assassins than the DHS and SS are capable of dealing with.
America is in a domestic war and its citizens have been coopted by its many enemies via the education institutions, Hollywood, the media and public sector unions via indoctrination techniques of propaganda that would make both Goebbels and Lenin blush with envy and jealousy. A former powerful NY Democratic leader told me as to why he voted for Trump - “they (Democrats) are all socialists now”. I will add that not all of them are. The rest are anti-semitic fundamentalist Islamists. And they all occupy positions of power whose bureaucracies and agencies should never have been created in the first place.
So, yes, prosecution for lawlessness should certainly be an immediate high priority objective and the punishment must be far greater than that which was inflicted on J6 protestors. However what is most critical is that the very nature of America’s government needs to “fundamentally change” but not in the way that the Biden/Obama Administration has been doing it. We do have a Constitution. Let’s begin anew to use it the way it was intended to be used. In most cases it would be punishment enough!
This huge ship is difficult to turn around without going through a wide and long arc which takes a long time. It has gotten far too big. It seems its very purpose is to find government solutions for everything imaginable. The solution, in my opinion, is to reduce the size of the ship or abandon it and let the survivors use the lifeboats. De Tocqueville said it quite clearly:
“After having thus taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated, minute, and uniform rules, which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot break through to go beyond the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them and directs them; it rarely forces action, but it constantly opposes your acting; it does not destroy, it prevents birth; it does not tyrannize, it hinders, it represses, it enervates, it extinguishes, it stupifies, and finally it reduces each nation to being nothing more than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd”.
The nature an origin of these crimes is entrenched in our superstructure of a government that is deep and vast. Like a great flock of birds heading south (left) they are all pointed in the same direction each a replicate of every other member of the flock.
Something has to be done and I see no other solution than to go head to head considering that is what they have planed for everyone who does not comply.