This past week, pundits have been quick to label the July 13 attempt on Donald Trump’s life an “inside job.” A little too quick. The pundits may be right, but they do not yet have enough evidence to make that claim.
I was deep into the research for my new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, before I felt comfortable saying that a high level “inside job” shaped the events of that fateful day. Unwittingly, the person who gave the game away was current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Conspirators appear to have coordinated three distinct actions on January 5 and 6, 2021—the Capitol breach, the gallows construction on the Capitol grounds, and the planting of two apparent pipe bombs. All of these actions came to the forefront within minutes of each other at roughly 1 p.m., the time at which Vice President Mike Pence was scheduled to begin the certification process.
The goal of the conspirators, it seems, was to create the optics of a Trump-led attack on democracy and, if possible, to alchemize what was expected to be a peaceful protest into a physical assault on the Capitol. Based on her actions that day, it seems likely that no one informed Harris about the plot. But once she inadvertently exposed the DNC pipe bomb hoax, she knew well enough to keep her mouth shut. So did Joe Biden.
Harris was not the only one to obstruct the conspirators’ plans. President Trump did as well. On January 5, he announced on Facebook he would begin his speech on the Ellipse at 11 a.m. on January 6. Instead, he began at noon and ended at 1:12.
The Capitol is about a 45-minute walk from the Ellipse. The people allegedly incited by Trump’s “fight like hell” remark at 1:10 p.m. did not arrive at the Capitol before 2 p.m. The conspirators expected them an hour earlier. The delay denied them the critical mass they hoped for to begin their assault on the Capitol, but it did not stop them.
At least a half hour before Trump’s speech ended, Ray Epps, a large man wearing a Trump hat and tactical gear, was captured on video herding what a Metropolitan PD officer called an “ad hoc” group of protestors down Pennsylvania Avenue.
“We are going to the Capitol,” Epps shouted. “That’s where our problems are.” This particular group of protestors was not provoked by Trump’s speech. They did not hear it.
The most visible of the provocateurs, Epps had been caught on video the night before urging an impromptu audience to go “in to the Capitol.” On January 6, Epps helped lead his set of marchers to the Peace Circle at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue and on to the Pennsylvania Pathway.
In the front was Ryan Samsel, a young Pennsylvanian with a criminal past. For a few minutes, Samsel and the others jawed with the police. At this point, Epps approached Samsel, whispered something in his ear, and Samsel began to push hard against the barricade. Others joined in, and the barricade toppled.
This first breach occurred at 12:53 p.m. Minutes later, a small crowd breached another lightly guarded barricade just to the south. The police offered no real resistance. At 12:58, a single individual pulled down the temporary fencing protecting the lawn and with it the signs saying, “Area closed.”
Within a few minutes, a crowd had gathered at the gates in front of the west plaza area off the Capitol. At the front of the crowd, giving directions, was the ubiquitous Epps. None of these people had heard Trump’s speech. The Capitol Police “grenadiers” began lobbing munitions into the rowdy but peaceful crowd while Trump was still speaking 45 minutes away.
At just about 1:00 p.m., a man ascended the mock gallows he and four collaborators assembled on Capitol grounds hours earlier and hung a bright orange noose from the cross beam. The men had begun their work at 6:30 a.m. when they arrived at the Capitol in a white van and unloaded a large bundle of lumber.
By 7:15, the five men had constructed the platform and two main pillars of the gallows. All that was missing were the crossbeam and the noose. The leader was dressed distinctively in a long trench coat, long white scarf, and fedora-type hat, and he walked with a cane. When he returned at 1 p.m. he was wearing a baseball cap with his face visible.
In February 2024, House Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk asked the questions the House J6 Committee refused to. “Why didn’t the U.S. Capitol Police take down the gallows once it was seen on Capitol property, and why have the individuals never been identified?”
There is an obvious answer to the first question: if the Capitol Police had taken the gallows down, the media and the House J6 committee would not have had those exquisitely framed images of the Capitol dome as seen through the gallows.
As a case in point, during the public phase of the January 6 hearings, the House committee showed a video of a small crowd at the Capitol building chanting, “Hang Mike Pence,” and then cut shamelessly to a photo of the distant gallows as if to suggest they had been constructed just for that purpose. In fact, Vice President Pence did not signal his intent to certify the electoral votes until just before 1 p.m.
As to the second question, the gallows crew were not identified because they were almost assuredly part of the plot. In March 2024, in a rare bit of journalism, CBS News reported: “A CBS News review of the charging documents in the approximately 1,300 Jan. 6 federal criminal cases filed by the Justice Department showed no case in which a defendant is accused of playing a role in the gallows construction.”
No element of the plot said “conspiracy” quite like the pipe bombs. At about 12:40 p.m., Karlin Younger, a Commerce Department employee, spotted what appeared to be a six-inch pipe bomb as she walked down an alley near the RNC headquarters. The timer appeared to be set for the bomb to explode in twenty minutes, at 1 p.m.
Minutes after 1 p.m., an undercover Capitol Police officer spotted an apparent bomb sitting conspicuously in a bush next to a park bench outside the DNC. At 1:05, a surveillance video shows the USCP officer informing officers in a Metropolitan PD vehicle of his discovery. He shared that same information with the Secret Service agents sitting in a car next to the MPD’s. The Secret Service was there to protect Harris.
The conspirators, it appears, had not counted on Harris being at the DNC just as they had not counted on the delay in Trump’s speech. They went ahead with their plans nonetheless. Politico did not break the story of Harris’s whereabouts until January 6, 2022. Within minutes of the bomb’s discovery, Politico reported, the Secret Service whisked Harris off to some undisclosed location but not the Capitol—“Harris had said little about her movements during the siege.”
As others in the media had been doing for the past year, Politico attributed the bomb to Trump supporters, claiming “that the riots could have been far more destructive than they already were, with the incoming vice president’s life directly endangered.” For its part, the FBI continued to insist that the bombs were “viable” and “could have been detonated, resulting in serious injury or death.”
The Biden White House suppressed news of Harris’s presence at the DNC for a year. Despite her penchant for contrived drama, Harris somehow resisted the urge to present herself as the near victim of a white supremacist terror plot. Biden resisted the urge as well. There was obviously something about this little drama they did not like.
The suppression of that information had real-world consequences. Prosecutors had been telling J6 judges and juries that Harris was among those under threat from the mob at the Capitol. Not until November 2021 did they amend their filings to correct this error. Said Politico, “It’s unclear why DOJ included the erroneous information in the first place and continued to do so for months.”
The management of the Ray Epps saga is equally curious. By January 8, Epps ranked high on the FBI’s “most wanted” list. Not only did he encourage the initial breach and a secondary breach, but he also provided hands-on help to those pushing a large metal Trump sign into a line of police officers.
By July 2021, the evidence notwithstanding, Epps was off the list altogether. Perversely, the more evidence that surfaced against Epps, the more the media embraced him. For its part, the House Select Committee treated Epps as though he were an endangered species.
Not until September 23, 2023, did Epps plead guilty to a single misdemeanor charge and only then because his preferential treatment embarrassed the keepers of the narrative.
More conspicuously culpable than all but a handful of the 500 or so protestors imprisoned, Epps has not served so much as a single night in jail. Nor have those who constructed the gallows. Nor has the mysterious pipe bomber, who remains at large despite a $500,000 reward for his capture.
It is unlikely that Harris knows much about the plot, but she knows enough to keep her mouth shut. It’s time for someone in the media to ask her what, in fact, she does know.
Jack Cashill’s new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, is now available in all formats.
There were two states about to make a motion to delay certification of their votes. The melee was constructed and implemented to close the session which reopened under rules that disallowed motions. The fake pipe bombs were the backup plan.
The timeline and location of key personnel(Speaker, VP elect, etc.) support no other conclusion.