Pay no attention to the man in the basement, the incompetent and inept figurehead with an American flag pin. Forget about trying to find where Joe Biden is. Focus instead on who speaks and acts for him, because these people—the aides, the hacks, the yes-men, the interns, the political junkies—are a threat to democracy.
So long as Biden is in the White House, we are not safe. So long as he outsources the presidency to interns and freelancers, we do not have a president. The longer this farce persists, the more tragic and dangerous the situation is because we have an anonymous and unelected claque in the White House.
The people who run the back office of the Democrat Party now control the Oval Office. That these people have no mandate to govern is clear. That these people have never run for office, that they have never run anything—not even a lemonade stand—is obvious. And yet they nonetheless have power. This situation is no accident, nor is it proof of a conspiracy, though it has the elements of one.
The lies, the evasions, the diversions—all this foretells a sudden transfer of power. And yet none of this requires the secrecy of a coup. With a negligent or compliant media, the corrupt can take power. Because the media is negligent, the corrupt have power. Because the media is so compliant as to be complicit in this takeover, the corrupt are free to abuse power.
But for the media’s role in perpetuating a lie, but for the media’s repetition of the lie that Joe Biden is a defender of democracy, we would not have an absentee president. But for the media’s role in the persecution of President Trump, we would not have Joe Biden in the White House. All this happened before our eyes.
And now, with its credibility shot and its influence squandered, the media is nothing more than a collection of sycophants and stenographers. Even ChatGPT is less partisan than this media.
Remember, too, how we got here. Because the Democrat Party hates President Trump more than it loves democracy, because the media loves to hate anyone who questions its motives or challenges its authority, because the two—the party and the media—hate us, the executive branch is under siege. Illegals occupy the West Wing of the White House.
Does this not constitute an existential threat to democracy? Does this not rise to the level of an impeachable offense? Is this not evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors?
Respect the office, Democrats say. We agree—which is why we refuse to have vandals invade the White House. We refuse to have political mercenaries do to the White House what no invading army—not even the British—has done in over 200 years: trash it. We refuse to have Democrats destroy the White House in order to save themselves from President Trump.
We refuse to let Democrats mask their corruption in the name of public health. We refuse to let Democrats stage a coverup. We will not allow Democrats to use COVID as an excuse, because Joe Biden does not have—he does not deserve—immunity from criticism.
Were we less charitable, we would say Joe Biden has no immunity from criminal prosecution. But because we are not Democrats, we do not support the criminalization of politics. And because Joe Biden does not know who or where he is, prosecuting him would be unjust. We do not have to bankrupt or imprison our opponents to defeat them.
Now, if Biden will not leave the White House, if no one will invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to remove him from office, this alone is a violation of the Eighth Amendment guarantee against cruel and unusual punishment.
Democrats have no right to punish us. They definitely do not have the right to torture us. And they absolutely do not have a right to absolute power because the White House is not the headquarters of the DNC. The people’s house belongs to all the people, regardless of party, race, religion, or creed. The White House is not private property. If the Bidens miss the White House, they can tour it as private citizens. If they want an extended tour, they can ask President Trump.
Our request is simple; our demand is non-negotiable: Stop lying to us. Stop telling us Joe Biden is fine. Stop telling us things are okay. Stop gaslighting us. We know the situation is worse—far worse—than Democrats admit. We know Joe Biden is not of sound mind, and we know Kamala Harris does not sound like she has one. We also know the White House is not a hostel, a care home or an Airbnb.
We ask the same of the media. We ask members of the media to ask who is in charge. We want to know how long this crisis will last. Oversight, after all, is only an indispensable part of constitutional government. Oversight holds politicians accountable, without which transparency is impossible and self-government an illusion.
One more thing: To the Democrats holding Joe Biden hostage, we demand his safe return. We demand you release him before President Trump takes office. We demand proof of life, because Joe Biden is sick.
The safety of a fellow citizen trumps all other considerations.
The safety of Joe Biden takes precedence over his tenure as president.
The Biden presidency is over.
Democrats need to accept this reality.
Joe needs to go—now!
Steve Gruber is the host of America’s Voice Live, which airs daily on Real America’s Voice TV
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