The Chosen One

It is quite impossible to exaggerate the historic nature of the moment in which we are all currently living. Our nation, our civilization, our very world is at a crossroads, and there is only one man capable of leading us back to the right path.

Witness to History

As a young man on the eve of my 30th year, I have not witnessed nearly as much history as many of my older colleagues. The first historic event of my lifetime was undoubtedly 9/11; that is an event where everybody who was alive and old enough on that day will instantly remember where they were, what they were doing, and how they reacted.

Saturday, July 13th, was truly the first day of my life that felt as if it had the same magnitude, a day where time seemed to stand still for a few agonizing moments as the news settled in.

I was at a social gathering with friends, enjoying beverages in a backyard despite the sweltering midday sun’s heat. The conversation I was in the midst of was suddenly interrupted by someone on the other side of the backyard suddenly yelling out, “Trump just got shot!”

Once the initial and natural feeling of doubt—”yeah, right, you’re joking”—quickly passed, the party got quiet in an instant as everyone pulled out their phones with surprising speed and synchronization. We were scrolling through social media, especially X, to see the latest videos. We were all commenting and analyzing every frame in real time, trying to reassure each other and ourselves that the former president would survive. We eventually migrated inside to watch live news coverage on the television.

Within seconds, the imagery of President Trump defiantly raising a fist as he got back on his feet, to thunderous applause from the audience, was burned into my mind forever. Even after the subsequent developments, from the deaths of the shooter and the rallygoer who was caught in the crossfire to the despicable coverage by the mainstream media, it was the image of the triumphant fist-pump, with a majestic American flag in the background, that was seen, shared, and revisited the most. President Donald J. Trump, like the Star-Spangled Banner, was still there.

Righteous Rage

In the hours after it happened, after I eventually returned home to be alone with my thoughts, I felt strangely conflicted about my emotional response: As much as I love and adore President Trump and have for many years, I could not bring myself to feel sad for him. The rather quick news that he was easily going to survive with only a minor injury made certain that tears would not be the overwhelming response.

Instead, I was overcome with a much more powerful emotion: pure, unadulterated, white-hot rage. Rage at the weasley little insect that tried, and failed, to take out the greatest man in recent American history. Rage at the mainstream media for downplaying the severity of the incident, with headlines declaring that Trump had left the stage simply due to “loud noises.” Rage at the leftist troglodytes on social media who were openly bemoaning the fact that the shooter had missed. Rage at Democrat politicians and pundits who openly encouraged assassination attempts through their rhetoric, comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler. Rage at the incumbent Biden regime, which refused to provide President Trump with additional Secret Service protection despite numerous requests from the 45th president’s team to do so.

And what connects all of these threads together is their unified hatred of not only President Trump himself, but everything he represents: A forgotten working class that has finally found their champion; patriotic Americans who refuse to accept the notion that their homeland has somehow been an evil nation all along; outsiders who threaten the status quo of an entrenched political establishment that has been allowed to get drunk off of power for the last 80 years.

Most simply, the powers that be refuse to even let this election be a fair one. They cannot stand the idea of the American people choosing someone who won’t go along with their agenda, much less a man who has vowed to completely destroy all of our corrupt institutions where they stand and to throw the elitist bureaucrats out of power and put the common man back in charge.

It would be fitting for President Trump himself to determine that the American people should not feel bad for him. Sorrow is not a strong motivation to get anything done; anger is. The Founding Fathers and their compatriots did not rebel against the largest empire in the history of mankind out of sadness, but out of rage. Theirs, too, was a righteous fury that ultimately led them to victory against impossible odds and allowed for the birth of our glorious nation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the tyranny we now face—the prosecutorial Deep State, the censorious tech oligarchs, the lying media, and the conniving international elites—is a far greater threat to humanity than that imposed by the British crown in 1776. Donald Trump understands this, and now it is time for all of us to understand it as well.

A Man for the Ages

Donald Trump’s story has already been an incredible adventure that surpasses some of the greatest novels ever written. A billionaire businessman and former reality TV host who, with no prior political or military experience, was first elected to the presidency in the biggest political upset in American history; a man who proceeded to have numerous historic accomplishments in just four years, despite overwhelming opposition from within his own government and even his own party; a man who was then narrowly robbed of his deserved re-election through an obvious widespread voter fraud scheme that our Orwellian media still insists didn’t happen; a man who is in the process of staging perhaps the greatest political comeback of all time.

And now, by a hair’s width, a man who survived a vicious assassination attempt in front of the entire world, got back to his feet, and saluted the crowd in absolute triumph just moments later, with his own blood streaked across his face. Multiple images from the rally looked like Renaissance-era paintings, capturing the horror and intensity of the initial panic as well as the resilience and bravery of the man who recovered so quickly.

There is no other way to put it: Donald Trump is already one of the greatest men in history. His impact and legacy on our world will be felt for centuries to come. In due time, his name will stand alongside other great men who are known only by a single name: Socrates, Caesar, Charlemagne, Washington, Napoleon,… and Trump.

What makes this man so great is not extensive philosophical writings, vast military conquests, or leading historic revolutions. What makes him great is his selfless service and willingness to sacrifice everything he has for the country he loves and wants to save.

Donald Trump was not forced into this role. He chose it. He had the perfect life of luxury, comfort, and safety in his penthouse, overlooking the city he helped build. He had a loving family, a successful career in business and television, and was adored by the media and the political elite.

But since he became the man in the arena, he has faced endless persecution: lies in the media, political obstruction while in office, attacks on his business, and persecution by rabid judges and prosecutors since leaving office, including an arrest and a conviction. And now he can add “assassination attempt” to the long list of abuses he has faced since the day he first came down that golden escalator.

All he would have to do to stop this madness against himself and his family is quit. If he were to withdraw from politics, the attacks would end. He and his loved ones could live the rest of their lives in peace. But he perseveres because he understands the weight of this moment. He understands that the fight we are now in is far greater than himself. He knows that history will not only be changed but also defined by the actions we take and the decisions we make here and now. He may not be a philosopher, but he thinks about greater things than many of his contemporaries; he may not be a conqueror, but he is prepared to take on the greatest forces of evil our world has ever known; he may not be a soldier, but he is willing to die for the country he loves and for his countrymen.

And for these reasons and many more, it is unquestionable that Divine Providence was watching over him that day. The mighty Hand of our Creator protected him, for it was not yet his time. He turned his head and, by millimeters, avoided an instant and untimely death; what is that if not a miracle and a sign of God’s plan for this man? Let there be no further doubt as to which side the ultimate forces of good have taken in this battle for our civilization.

The sooner we all acknowledge the history that Donald Trump is making and pledge ourselves to fight for him every step of the way, the sooner we can guarantee that victory will be the only outcome.

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About Eric Lendrum

Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22). He is currently a co-host of The Right Take podcast.

Photo: TOPSHOT - Republican candidate Donald Trump is seen with blood on his face surrounded by secret service agents as he is taken off the stage at a campaign event at Butler Farm Show Inc. in Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2024. Donald Trump was hit in the ear in an apparent assassination attempt by a gunman at a campaign rally on Saturday, in a chaotic and shocking incident that will fuel fears of instability ahead of the 2024 US presidential election. The 78-year-old former president was rushed off stage with blood smeared across his face after the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, while the gunman and a bystander were killed and two spectators critically injured. (Photo by Rebecca DROKE / AFP) (Photo by REBECCA DROKE/AFP via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. Mr. Lendrum, the white-hot rage you feel is an understatement to the rage I feel. But you express your feelings quite admirably, plus you correctly identify many of the bad actors and entities that are aligned to plunge our country into decades of tyranny and despotism.

    Sadly, Donald Trump cannot reverse the path we are on. In fact, he may not be able to even slow it down should–by the grace of God Almighty–he win in November. The momentum of decades cannot be slowed by a mere four years of democratic rule.

    We have come to that moment in time that our Founders knew would come: it is time to dissolve the political bands which connect us, but in the process, administer an historic reckoning that will transcend the ages and act as cautionary note for future generations that might forget the lessons of history.

  2. Here we are, a little over 13 hours later still trying to understand everything that has happened. TMC, the shooter, though donating to Democrat PACS registered as a Republican. Odds are he was a spoiler voter in the Pennsylvania Primary. Pennsylvania is closed Primary and the Nikki Haley vote had to come from somewhere.

    Much has been made of the Secret Service dropping the ball----and the truth is, if short staffed they easily could have had State Police or local LEOs stationed on all rooftops. That will be a hot topic in the days to come. Still, we have verifiable information the Trump Security Team had been begging for more agents for weeks. I’m guessing that will change and I’m HOPING that a Secret Service Security Detail will finally be assigned to RFK Jr. Whatever the case, Mayorkas has been shown, once again, to be a total sleaze in all things when it comes to protecting our borders and protecting our candidates.

    Many people think yesterday sealed the Trump presidency. I wouldn’t be too hasty. Media will twist and turn everything to keep DJT out of the White House. Somehow, this will all become Trump’s fault because----you know, Orange Man Bad.

    I spent some time in the Media-ite sewer last night and the comments were even worse than what I expected. Those on the extreme Left are all fired up and lamenting MTC’s poor aim. Such is the lack of Grace in our country today. I’ll leave with an example of just one comment regarding the shooting in which the commenter offered for the one’s that died in the crowd which was “Tots and Pears”. Such is the state of our nation today.

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