Part II: Major League Inside Politics Nears Trade Deadline – The Republican Front-Runner

As Major League Baseball’s August 1 trade line impends, both the Democrat and Republican parties are considering their prospects heading into the main event of the 2024 presidential election. From their establishment to their grassroots, both parties are considering whether to stick with their 2020 nominees or make a trade that will maximize their chances of keeping or recapturing the White House.

Last week we examined the Democrat Party’s prospects for making a late primary season trade of President Joe Biden for Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to be their 2024 nominee. The conclusion was Biden had clearly lost his fastball and was relying on ineffective junk; ergo, the Golden State Gavin, (a crafty lefty who has been long accused of doctoring the ball with hair gel from his oversized hatband) would head their ticket. So, too, there is the distinct possibility Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) would be included in the trade as well to buoy their bullpen, especially given how current Democratic closer, Vice-President Kamala Harris, has proven her capacity to turn her every appearance into a dumpster fire.

Now, let us examine the Republican Party’s prospects for a similar trade of former President Donald Trump, the current frontrunner, or will the Grand Old Party stand pat?

In one of the great political ironies in American history, presently it appears that the party that won the 2020 presidential election will trade its successful nominee (now president) for a better candidate; contrarily, the party that lost the 2020 election (by hook or crook, depending on one’s point of view) seems intent on re-nominating the incumbent candidate who failed to be re-elected president.

It cannot be argued that Mr. Trump has a faithful following among the GOP’s grassroots, including members of the old Reform Party and Tea Party he has brought into the party’s fold. But it also cannot be argued that Mr. Trump’s bump in the primary polls also has had an unwelcome helping hand – Democrats.

Such support stems from the Democrats’ belief that Mr. Trump is the easiest GOP nominee to defeat. Well, if by “easy” you mean the candidate the Democrats spent the last seven years weaponizing the police powers of the government, politicizing justice, and with the help of a servile, abetting media, spreading the Russia-gate and other BIG LIES to seditiously destroy his presidency and continue to harry him as he again pursues the presidency. For the Democrats, attacking Mr. Trump is a win-win proposition: their base wants Mr. Trump behind bars; and their establishment wants him there – but only after he has been renominated as the GOP’s nominee and defeated in the 2024 general election.

In the past, a politician being a target of law enforcement was considered unhelpful to being elected. Not so with Mr. Trump.  With every new accusation and indictment by the Democrats, the GOP rallies around Mr. Trump, who has always been blessed in his enemies. Well, his enemies are delivering for him “bigly.” In sum, the Democrats are being rewarded for their past and persistent perfidy in persecuting Mr. Trump.  After all, only a Never-Trumper can feel anything less than outrage at the Democrats’ contemptible, corrupt sedition and persecution; and sympathy for Mr. Trump – or any citizen – so hounded.

And this is why the Democrats are by no means done harming and helping Mr. Trump. This is not mere speculation.  Or did you think former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) January 6 Committee was little more than a taxpayer exercise in opposition research? And its bitter fruits are going to be served up to the electorate throughout 2024 and, likely, beyond. Further, the latest charges against Mr. Trump will likely be conveniently timed for maximal political detriment during the presidential general election.

Equally, as Mr. Trump tacks left of center in his diatribes against his GOP challengers, notably Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R), as well as their supporters, the media and the Democrats are gleefully amplifying this “Republican on Republican violence.”  This not only helps Mr. Trump. It also helps sully any GOP challenger who may defeat Trump for the nomination. Bluntly, the Democrats and media are more than willing to abet Mr. Trump as he does their work for them.

Further, as they interloped during the 2022 GOP primaries, the Democrats will crash the Republican primaries with cash and votes not only to help nominate Mr. Trump but his most allegedly extreme supporters running for other offices. Their goal is as simple as it is unprincipled: help nominate the weakest GOP candidate. In Mr. Trump’s case, this will become most evident in states with “open primaries,” where voters can vote in any party primary. (And, yes, the GOP has done this in past Democrat primaries, as well).

In consequence, any GOP challenger to Mr. Trump must campaign against both him and the Democrat cabal covertly (and cruelly) promoting him. Between Mr. Trump and his Democrat tormentors/abettors, is there even enough oxygen left in the room for a Republican presidential nomination contender to take a breath and find a voice that will spur the GOP to trade their current front-runner for a new standard bearer?

It is not beyond the realm of possibility, as we shall see next week. True, it will be past the MLB trade deadline; thus, we will be scouring the GOP waiver wire to see whether any presently underperforming presidential prospects may ultimately be claimed by Republicans to relieve Mr. Trump.

An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003-2012, and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars; and a Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Radio Show,” among sundry media appearances.

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About Thaddeus G. McCotter

An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003 to 2012 and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars, and a Monday co-host of the "John Batchelor Show" among sundry media appearances.

Photo: Former US President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump gestures after speaking at the Turning Point Action USA conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 15, 2023. (Photo by GIORGIO VIERA / AFP) (Photo by GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images)

Notable Replies

  1. Unless an asteroid hits the earth sometime between now and next November, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee. Never Trumpers and Independents need to decide who they want in the Oval Office for the next four years—Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. Get it?

  2. The bottom line is this: there is only one unapproved Ruling Class establishment candidate running for president and that is Donald J. Trump. And there is only one candidate running for president who will govern on behalf of the American people and not Ruling Class special interests. Again, PDJT.

    Hence, the persecution of PDJT.

    Mr. McCotter would do well to escape the RINO echo-chamber of establishment talking points and avail himself of the reality of American life under the Xiden junta, which is in turn supported by the DC political establishment–both political parties.

  3. Avatar for task task says:

    The weak part of the argument is that fighting the tsunami is almost fruitless. And that will soon prove to be evident. If another candidate is supported and nominated then that is well, good and ok. But that is unlikely to happen so the Republican establishment needs to deal with the Republican that will be nominated and not the one they wish to be nominated because the alternative party choice will bring destruction, death, morbidity, chaos, mayhem and dystopia. And it will be international. America may not be at the epicenter but relatively speaking she will experience the most psychological damage. Americans are not used to the suffering that is so chronic and ubiquitous throughout most of the world. Hence, relatively speaking, they will suffer the most.

  4. Avatar for task task says:

    I take your version of why things are the way they are rather than the author’s. Why? Because I speak to a lot of Democrats who are not so sophisticated so as to conjure up such Gorgons, Hydras, and Chimaeras. It is what it appears to be and not much more. D. Trump is a threat to all of the Federal establishment like no other. And he seeks retribution. It could not be more obvious.

    I will give the author credit for his unique attempt at dissuading Trump voters but it isn’t going to happen. He needs to get on board and deal with what is.

  5. Your second paragraph reminds me of something Rush said many times before he died: “The only one who can separate Trump’s supporters from Trump is Trump.”

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